School Choir

Festival of Music 

Festival of Music Success!

We are very excited to announce the success of several students who auditioned to be part of the Festival of Music this year. 


The following students have been selected to perform in the Rhythmic Rumblers drumming ensemble:


Hudson S

Avielle W

Steele M

Isaac M


They will play a Brazilian inspired drumming piece as part of the song Beautiful Creatures. 


We also wish to congratulate Michael M for being selected to perform in the Festival of Music Performance Troupe. The Performance Troupe is a group of students that do the movement to many of the choir songs during the performances. They are given the chance to work with a professional Artistic Director to develop their performance skills. Positions in the Performance Troupe are extremely sought after, and it is a competitive audition process. We are thrilled for Michael, a rising star a LNPS! 


All students will now be swept up in an intensive rehearsal period to prepare for the Festival of Music concerts in September. We wish them all the best with this very special journey!



Mrs Chesterman – Choir Teacher