Wellbeing & Engagement

Nik Skrob 

Assistant Principal 

Wellbeing and Learning Support

Student Ambassadors Update 

Last week on Wednesday, I met with all of the Student Ambassadors for our first meeting this year. During the meeting, we had the opportunity to get to know each other and discuss focus areas for this year. 


Students were presented with an aspect our 2023 Wellbeing & Engagement Collection (WEC) Survey results with a focus on the learner readiness section as this is the section that we have identified as an area for improvement. 


During the meeting, we also spent some time looking at a 'learning pit', which I have used as a learning tool to support the Student Ambassadors to develop the necessary language in order for them to be able discuss ideas about how they are going to improve learner readiness at LNPS. Please see below a learning pit that we constructed in the meeting. 



I have also highlighted with the Department for Education (DfE) the exciting work that we are undertaking in this space and have organised for relevant  DfE staff to visit our site in the next few weeks to work with myself and the Student Ambassadors in this space. I will keep the community updated as we progress through our work. 


Stay tuned for more exciting updates! 

May Aussies of the Month 

It is my pleasure to Congratulate the May Aussies of the Month. 


At LNPS, Aussie of the Month recipients are chosen using success criteria that are aligned with our school values. Students need to demonstrate the school values every day to be considered for the award. 


There are three students chosen each month for the award. There is one recipient chosen from the Early Years, Torrens and Fisher. Teachers from each section of the school are responsible for nominating students each month. 


Please keep reading below to see the May Aussie of the Month recipients. 


"Aadya is an absolute delight to teach. She is respectful towards her teachers and her peers and tries her very best in all learning areas. Aadya is a wonderful role model who consistently follows our school rules and our 4 LNPS Values each and everyday. She responds to feedback and always supports others to be successful. She is a pleasure to have in M2, always entering learning spaces with a smile. Keeping Aiming High, Aadya! You are capable of amazing things!"

Miss Stratfold 




"Chaise is a very independent and diligent worker in T17. She is cooperative and respectful with anyone she works with and often contributes her ideas to others. Chaise continues to seek her next steps with all her learning so she is able to achieve her best work."

Miss Jalna



"Layla is an extremely hard-working and committed individual who is very well deserving of this outstanding achievement. Layla continually strives to always do her best at all times, and she actions feedback promptly. She demonstrates our school values daily, showing her kindness towards others, and her extremely helpful and supportive nature towards staff and peers. It has been wonderful to see her confidence blossom this year as she has taken on additional responsibilities with our community. Layla, you are a worthy recipient of this award, we are all so proud of you!"

Mr Starr