School News 


Week 4 Update

The winter weather has certainly arrived over the past week and we are also seeing a large number of students and staff absent due to illness.  If your child is unwell please keep them home. This will help stop the spread across the school. 


We appreciate everyone's understanding as we have a large number of relief teachers across the school due to teacher illness. If you have any queries about your child when the regular classroom teacher is absent please touch base with the relief teacher as many of our regular TRTs are very familiar with our students. If they are unable to help please email your child's regular teacher and they will make contact on their return, or see the Front Office for support. If the matter is urgent Leadership will follow up.


Semester 1 Reports

Teachers are beginning to write Semester 1 reports that provide a detailed and personalised outline of your child's growth and next steps. Our progress reports further give an accurate and objective assessment of their achievement. 


Families may query why their child is not working at year-level standard. This may be due to the Semester 1 reports being mid-year progress reports, and that our students are still working towards the year-level expectation. The mid-year report reflects student achievement demonstrated against the standard, taking into account what has been taught to that point in the year. When reporting in the middle of the year, our teachers make an on-balance judgement as to what level of achievement the student is demonstrating in relation to the achievement standard, taking into account the curriculum taught and assessed to that point in the year. At times students may not be at year level, and our teachers make contact, prior to the report being sent home, with families to ensure the appropriate intervention is in place and to discuss how families can support their child at home. 


Reports will be available for families via email and the EMS Community Portal on Monday 1st July after 12pm. If you are not able to access the EMS Community Portal please contact Vanessa on 8443 5544.


Parent & Caregiver Information Session 

LNPS will be hosting “Managing Big Feelings” - Supporting emotional regulation skills in the early years.                                            


The session will be hosted by Belinda Jankowiak and Kate Hubl Occupational Therapists from the Department for Education. 


They will be covering:

  • What is regulation and co-regulation?
  • Strategies to help you and your child remain calm and regulated.
  • How to respond to your children when they are experiencing big feelings.
  • Re-connecting with your child after big feelings.

Where: Lockleys North Primary School

When: Week 8, Mon 17th June 2024

Time: 9.30-10.30am (please sign in at front office 9.15 for a 9.30 sharp start)



This will be an amazing opportunity to learn from experts in this field who have also been collaborating with our Reception Teachers. 


2025 Enrolments Open 

Registrations of Interest for enrolling your child in 2025 are now being accepted.


Please contact us regarding Registration of Interest forms or download one from our website


Please phone Tarah on 84435544 for further information.



Mirjana, Tyson and Nik