Contact Information and Key Staff

Key Staff

Jessica Bishop Year 10 Coordinator
Annie Hearne Head of Year 10
Maddy Sweeney Year 11 Coordinator
Rod Mitchell Head of Year 11
Jessica Bishop Year 10 Coordinator
Annie Hearne Head of Year 10
Maddy Sweeney Year 11 Coordinator
Rod Mitchell Head of Year 11
Leisa Beggs Year 12 Coordinator
Chris Sheehan Head of Year 12
Tina Dansich Senior Administration
Alexis Watson Senior School Principal
Leisa Beggs Year 12 Coordinator
Chris Sheehan Head of Year 12
Tina Dansich Senior Administration
Alexis Watson Senior School Principal


Year Level Coordinator

Year Level Coordinators ensure that college policies, including behaviour and uniform, are consistently implemented across the Year Level by working closely with staff, students, and parents. They equally support and implement College policies related to student organisation, management, and welfare. Our Year Level Coordinators ensure that our Norwood students adhere to the School’s Code of Conduct and Student Wellbeing and Engagement Policy.


Coordinators oversee student management at the year level, communicating with staff, parents, and students to maximise learning outcomes. They are responsible for organising, developing, and/or implementing year-level specific programs, including major events and camps, alongside the Head of Year Level.


Contact the Year Level Coordinator if you wish to discuss matters relating to student wellbeing, behaviour, uniform and attendance.


Heads of Year Level

The Head of Year Level has the overall responsibility for the day-to-day running of the year level they lead. Their responsibilities are broad, covering students, programs, and teaching and learning, as well as involvement in College goals and initiatives. As a Leading Teacher, the Head of Year Level plays a strategic role in the planning of the College, contributing to ‘whole school’ planning. They work closely with the Year Level Coordinator and report to the Assistant Principal overseeing their Sub-School.


Heads of Year Level maintain records of student achievement, progress, parent contact, and interventions. They oversee student support programs and develop Individual Education Plans (IEPs). Heads of Year Level liaise with the Principal Class, the Wellbeing Team and the Careers and Pathways Coordinator on all student-related concerns. Additionally, they oversee programs and events within the Year Level including transition, course selection, and class formation for the following year.


Contact the Head of Year Level if you wish to discuss your child’s academic performance, and events or programs pertaining to their specific year level.

Contact with the College

Formal Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences are held twice a year. However, parents/carers are invited to contact the College by phoning the General Office, if there are matters of concern. Initial contact should be with the Year Level Coordinator for matters affecting a student's attendance, learning and behaviour, and with the General Office for administration concerns. Parents/carers are encouraged to use the Compass system to contact teachers and Coordinators by email. It is appreciated if appointments are made before parents/carers visit the College.

Contact Telephone Numbers:
General Office9871 0400
Health Centre9871 0416
Uniform Shop9871 0404
Canteen9871 0408

*If you wish to contact a member of staff, call the General Office. If the staff member is unavailable, you will be invited to record a voicemail message. Alternatively, you can send an email using the Compass system.


We will do our best to respond to general queries as soon as possible. The right to disconnect legislation makes explicit that all employees have the right to refuse to monitor, read, listen to or respond to contact that occurs outside their working hours from their employer or a third party (such as a student or a parent), unless that refusal is unreasonable. We ask that you allow us 2 – 3 working days to provide you with a detailed response to general queries. We will endeavour to respond to urgent matters within 24 hours where possible. 


Please be aware that there may be occasions when staff are on leave or are participating in excursions or camps. During these times, responses to communications may take longer than usual.