VCAA Examinations

General Achievement Test (GAT)

All students enrolled in one or more sequences of a scored Units 3 & 4 must sit the General Achievement Test (GAT). 


Purpose of the GAT

The GAT is an essential part of the VCE assessment procedure. Although GAT results do not count directly towards VCE results, they do play an important role in checking that School-based Assessments and examinations have been accurately assessed. The GAT is also a safeguard should a student be unable to sit an exam later in the year.


GAT results are used in the calculation of Derived Examination Scores (DES).


The VCAA will use GAT scores in:

  • the statistical moderation of School-based Assessments
  • checking the accuracy of student scores in examinations
  • the calculation of a DES

A statement of GAT results is sent to the student and to the school. It is not provided for either tertiary entrance or employment purposes. 

Derived Examination Score (DES)

The calculation for the DES uses all available scores for the student in the affected study and the indicative grade for the examination provided by the school and the GAT component scores.


For each approved application for a specific examination, the VCAA will calculate a range of possible DES scores, which will be calculated statistically from the student's other assessments, including:

  • moderated School-based Assessments
  • GAT component scores
  • other examination scores (if applicable)
  • indicative grades provided by the school. *NB" Examinations are set by panels appointed by the VCAA.

The Principal of the school is authorised by the VCAA to take responsibility for the administration and conduct of examinations within rules, regulations and procedures set down by the VCAA in the VCE/VCAL Administrative Handbook and the Examination Supervisors’ Manual.


Students will be required to observe the rules and regulations set down by the VCAA for the conduct of examinations. All serious breaches of rules will be reported to the VCAA.

Assessment will be based upon published criteria and, where necessary, discrepancy marking by a second or third assessor who will assess the task without knowledge of the previous assessments. Examinations will be subject to independent marking by panels appointed by the VCAA.