Academic Redemption Process (Year 10 only)

General Principle: 

As a part of our ongoing commitment to promote academic growth and resilience at Norwood Secondary College, students across Years 7-10 take part in the Academic Redemption Process for Major Assessment tasks. 


Guidelines and Process

Students can be placed in Redemption Sessions for two reasons:

  • Students failed to submit the Major Learning Task by the due date.
  • Student submission was not to a satisfactory standard (identified as having received a mark below 40%).

Students will only be added to the Redemption Sessions for Major Assessment Tasks. 

This initiative aims to provide a chance for students to reflect on their performance, learn from their mistakes, and improve their understanding of the material. Please refer to the redemption process as outlined below:


Reflection and Preparation:

After receiving their initial assessment results, students will be encouraged to reflect on their mistakes, seek clarification on concepts they find challenging, and actively engage in additional learning opportunities. 


Redemption Session:

Following this, students may be entered into a mandatory Redemption Session which will run each Wednesday from 3.00pm-4.00pm. This session will be supervised by Year level leaders with the support of our Classroom Teachers and Tutors.


Please Note, if a student submits their redemption tasks prior to the session date, they are not required to attend the session.


Assessment of Redemption Work:

All student submissions will still be subject to our Late Submission of Work Policy. The mark received will be based on the quality of the assessment produced and will allow for students to demonstrate a Satisfactory level of competency in the specific topic.


Detailed feedback will be provided by the classroom teacher to help students understand their progress and areas for further improvement.


We believe that this redemption process will not only reinforce a growth mindset but also empower students to take ownership of their learning journey. It aligns with our commitment to nurturing a supportive educational environment that encourages continuous improvement.