Homework Policy


To outline to our school community the Department’s and Norwood Secondary College’s policy requirements relating to homework.



This policy applies to students in all year levels and staff responsible for setting and monitoring homework at Norwood Secondary College.



Norwood Secondary College has developed this Homework Policy in consultation with the school community to support student learning and wellbeing by:

  • providing opportunities for students to review, revise and reinforce newly acquired skills
  • providing opportunities for students to apply new knowledge
  • providing opportunities for students to prepare for future lessons
  • encouraging students to enrich or extend knowledge individually, collectively and imaginatively
  • fostering good lifelong learning and study habits
  • supporting learning partnerships with parents/carers


Homework is defined by the Department of Education as tasks assigned to students by teachers that are meant to be completed during non-school hours.


Revision is defined as an active process of reflection which involves grouping and connecting information, answering questions, recalling facts and testing your memory. Revision may include strategies such as; creating flash cards to test your memory, completing practice questions, participating in a study group or creating a visual representation of content.


Study is defined as the devotion of time and attention to gaining knowledge of an academic subject.


At Norwood Secondary College, students can expect that they should be completing both homework, study and revision during the recommended hours. Wider reading is also strongly encouraged, to help students continue to develop world knowledge, vocabulary, reading comprehension and perspectives.



At Norwood Secondary College all homework set by teachers will be:

  • purposeful
  • curriculum-aligned
  • appropriate to the students’ skill level and age
  • designed to help students develop as independent learners
  • monitored by the teacher
  • where appropriate, provide opportunities for parents/carers to partner in their child’s learning.

Years 7 and 8

Homework tasks at these year levels may include daily independent reading, extended or unfinished classwork, online activities, projects, essays, exercises and research.


It is recommended that students spend 30 to 45 minutes per school day completing a combination of homework, study and revision. Some assigned tasks may need to be completed during weekends and on school holidays.


*NB: In Term 1 of Year 7, students will only be given homework in English and Mathematics to support the students in their transition from primary to secondary school.


Years 9 and 10

Homework tasks at these year levels may include daily independent reading, completion of unfinished classwork, projects, essays, exercises, wider reading and research.


Generally, students should expect homework tasks in these year levels to increase from Years 7 and 8, to prepare them for the expectation of homework and study skills in the senior years. It is recommended that students spend between 45 and 60 minutes per school day completing a combination of homework, study and revision. Some tasks may be assigned to be completed during weekends and on the school holidays.


Years 11 to 12

Generally, students can expect homework tasks, study and revision requirements in these year levels to increase due to the expected level of independence and initiative of students. It is recommended that students spend between 1 to 3 hours completing a combination of homework, study and revision per weeknight, and further study on weekends during assessment periods.


At Year 11 and Year 12, it is an expectation that students spend an increased amount of time completing homework tasks in the lead up to their end of semester/year exams. VCE students are required to complete practice exams for their Unit 3 & 4 subjects during the practice exam period, which is held during the second week of the Term 3 holidays. External assessors are used in some instances, to mark and provide feedback on these exams.  



Homework is a shared responsibility between the school, teachers, students and their parents/carers. In order to get the most out of homework tasks, it is important that everyone understands their obligations and responsibilities.


Responsibilities and expectations for leaders at Norwood Secondary College are to:

  • advise teachers, students and parents/carers of homework expectations at the beginning of the school year and provide them with access to the homework policy.

Responsibilities and expectations for teachers at Norwood Secondary College are to:

  • set homework that is curriculum-aligned and appropriate to the student’s skill level and age
  • ensure homework tasks are purposeful – this means they are deliberately designed and planned to support student learning
  • check homework and where relevant provide timely and practical feedback
  • ensure the amount of homework set supports a student to engage with a range of recreational, family and cultural activities outside of school hours
  • offer opportunities for families to engage in their children’s learning
  • issuing catch-up sessions for students to stay accountable to unfinished work

Responsibilities and expectations for students are:

  • being aware of the school’s homework policy
  • discussing homework expectations with their parents/carers
  • accepting responsibility for the completion of homework tasks within set time frames
  • following up on comments made by teachers
  • seeking assistance when difficulties arise
  • organising their time to manage home obligations, participation in physical activity and sports, recreational and cultural activities and part-time employment (for older students)
  • using Microsoft To-Do to ensure that homework is completed efficiently
  • attending any catch-up sessions issued by their classroom teacher to complete unfinished work

Responsibilities and expectations for parents/carers are:

  • ensuring there is a balance between the time spent on homework and recreational, family and cultural activities
  • talking to teachers about any concerns they have about the homework
  • discussing homework with their child in their first language, if English is not the main language spoken at home
  • in dialogue, linking homework to: previous experiences the child and/or parent/carer may have had, family culture(s), history(ies) and language(s), relevant services, clubs, associations and community
  • ensuring there is a quiet study area for their child to complete homework
  • supporting classroom teachers in ensuring students attend any catch-up sessions issued for unfinished work


Norwood Secondary College understands that students have different learning strengths, preferences and interests and may approach learning activities and homework differently. If parents/carers are concerned their child may not understand the homework tasks that have been set or is spending a long period of time completing their homework, we encourage parents/carers to speak to their child’s teacher.


Students who may benefit from support completing their homework tasks are encouraged to attend Homework Club, held in the school library on designated days of the week between 3.10 and 4.15pm. Details can be found on the College Website.



This policy will be communicated to our school community in the following ways:

  • Included in staff induction processes and staff training
  • Available publicly on our school’s website 
  • Included in staff handbook
  • Reminders in our school newsletter
  • Discussed at annual staff briefings/meetings
  • Included in transition and enrolment packs
  • Discussed at parent information nights/sessions
  • Discussed at student forums
  • Hard copy available from the General Office upon request


Homework – Department Policy

Policy last reviewedOctober 2024

Curriculum Committee: 8/10/2024

Education Subcommittee School Council: 29/10/2024

Approved byPrincipal
Next scheduled review dateOctober 2028