Change of Subject

Subject Change Policy:

Students can apply to change subjects within the first ten days (two weeks) of the new academic year for Units 1 and 3, and within the first two weeks of Unit 2. This policy ensures students meet the attendance requirements for their subjects.


To request a subject change, students must complete a ‘Change of Subject’ form and submit it to their Head of Year Level. The form must be fully completed and signed by the relevant staff and parents before any changes to a student's timetable can occur.


After submission, the Head of Year Level will confirm with the student if their subject change request has been approved. Please note that changes will not be allowed mid-way through units to minimize disruption to the school program. 


Submitting a form does not guarantee a subject change.


Withdrawal on Compassionate Grounds:

Under exceptional circumstances, a student may receive approval for Compassionate Late Withdrawal from VCE Units 3 and 4. The Principal or their delegate must apply to the VCAA on the student’s behalf to request permission to withdraw from one or more VCE Units 3 and 4 studies. This application must include documentation of the exceptional circumstances and support from the Senior School Team.


Compassionate Late Withdrawal is not available to students who are struggling with the general demands of VCE studies. Despite their best efforts, some students face significant challenges and are unable to complete their studies. If the exceptional circumstances are medical, evidence from a qualified professional, such as a general practitioner or psychologist, must be provided. Compassionate Late Withdrawal will not be granted if the student has already received a final result for an examination or School-based Assessment.


Total Withdrawal from VCE

Students who wish to withdraw from the VCE must first complete a Student Exit form and attend an exit meeting with a parent or guardian, a member of the Senior School Team, and the Careers and Pathways Coordinator. All decisions regarding these matters will be communicated to the parent or guardian in every instance.