VCE in Year 10

The College invites students in Year 10 to study a VCE Unit 1 & 2 subject as part of their course. This program aims to provide opportunities for these students to:

  • Undertake extension work and achieve breadth within their VCE course of study
  • Experience the demands of a VCE unit with the view to developing sound and appropriate study and work habits conducive to a high achieving student.

Year 9 students invited to undertake a VCE unit at Year 10 will apply through the selection process as outlined below. However, it is emphasised that students will be approved a VCE unit on the basis of their ability suitability to undertake a chosen subject and the availability of places within the class. (Year 11 students have priority of placement in VCE Units 1 & 2).


*Note: Students undertaking a VCE 1 & 2 subject will be unable to complete the equivalent Year 10 subject in order to ensure access to a broad range of studies. The only exception to this is when Year 10 students undertake Units 1 & 2 General Mathematics. In this case, these students will also undertake Year 10 Mathematical Methods.


Possible Advantages

  • Extend and challenge student learning
  • Experience the demands of a VCE unit and the VCE process
  • Better enable the option of studying an additional Unit 3 & 4 in Year 11 (provides students with a 10% bonus to ATAR scores for fifth and/or sixth studies)
  • Achieve breadth of study by completing an additional VCE unit.

Possible Disadvantages

  • Increased workload
  • Absence from a VCE class due to Year 10 commitments such as school sport, excursions etc.
  • Limiting access to a wider range of subject areas at Year 10.

Selection Criteria

  • Recognisable aptitude and sound academic achievement in Year 9 subjects
  • Strong written communication skills as demonstrated by English reports, NAPLAN and/or PAT testing results
  • Commitment to study and attendance above 90%
  • Demonstrated initiative and ability to work independently
  • Strong Grade Point Averages (GPAs), indicating exemplary work habits
  • Evidence of student’s ability to manage the workload (student has a history of meeting deadlines and has sound organisational skills).

Selection Process

  • Students will be invited to study a VCE unit early in Term 3 after which they can apply online
  • A selection panel will be formed to consider each application according to the criteria above
  • The Head of Year 9 will notify applicants early in Term 3 about the outcome of their application

VCE Units 1-2 Offered in Year 10

The following VCE Units 1 & 2 are offered to Year 10 students in 2025.

Accounting 1-2Legal Studies 1-2
Art Creative Practice 1-2Media 1-2
Biology 1-2Modern History 1-2
Business Management 1-2Music: Performance 1-2
Applied Computing 1-2Physical Education 1-2
Drama 1-2Psychology 1-2
Economics 1-2Product Design and Technologies (Wood) 1-2
Environmental Science 1-2Product Design and Technologies (Fabrics) 1-2
Food Studies 1-2Visual Communication Design 1-2
General Mathematics 1-2VET - all half day programs
Geography 1-2 
Health and Human Development 1-2 


  • Students in Year 10 may select to study one VCE subject
  • VCE Unit 1 & 2 English, English Language, Literature, French, Chemistry or Physics are not offered to Year 10 students.

Completing a VCE subject early is a privilege and entry is based on past academic performance which must be maintained. Students who are underperforming, or who do not meet the attendance requirement, may be asked to withdraw from the subject.