ICT News

A note from Miss Rebecca O'Hara and Mrs Anna-Marie Paul

Coding @ Ben Venue

This term Ben Venue students have been learning how to code.


Coding or Programming is a vital skill. It requires critical and creative thinking to design digital solutions to problems. Developing and instilling this abstract way of thinking is assisted by the use of robots at a primary school level. 


In Term 3, we have been fortunate enough to be working with robots and digital systems in the form of Bee Bots, Blue Bots, Dashbots, Sphero, Lego Essential, Lego Spike, Makey Makey, Micro:Bits, LightBot and Swift Playgrounds, which all require and develop abstract and creative thinking skills.


Thanks to the T4L STEM kit borrowing system, we have been able to experience and use such a variety of robotic devices. The students will be sad to see the majority of these devices move on to the next school at the end of this week, but we have already made plans to borrow these wonderful kits again, in the future.

Early Stage 1

Kindergarten students are focusing on learning how to record instructions for others to follow.


Learning Intention:  We are learning how to program (code).

Success Criteria:

  • I can IDENTIFY steps to complete a task.
  • I can FOLLOW steps to complete a task.
  • I can use gesture or direction language to DESCRIBE how to move to a location.
  • I can REPRESENT direction language using images.

Stage 1

The Stage 1 focus for ICT sessions this term has been to learn how can we record instructions for others to follow and understand.


Learning Intention: We are learning how to program (code).

Success Criteria:

  • I can IDENTIFY and FOLLOW a series of steps to complete a task.
  • I can DESCRIBE the steps of an algorithm for a simple task.
  • I can REPRESENT an algorithm using images.


Stage 2

Stage 2 students are focusing on learning are learning about visual programming.


Success Criteria


  • I can define an algorithm as a series of steps.
  • I can look at a program, identify blockers and identify strategies to solve the blocker


  • I can describe an algorithm and describe what each individual part means.
  • I can read a program of visual blocks and describe what it will do.


  • I can explain how to create an algorithm for a simple task.
  • I can explain what a computer program of visual blocks does.


  • I can explain how to improve an algorithm. 
  • I can discuss ways to improve a computer program.

Stage 3

The Stage 3 focus for ICT lessons this term has been to design and develop a working prototype robot that helps with a specific job.


Learning Intention:

We are learning to think scientifically to suggest, experiment (with a prototype) and evaluate the effectiveness of a design solution.


Success Criteria:

  • I can IDENTIFY challenges experienced in a real-life setting.
  • I can IDENTIFY how technology assists us in specific ways.
  • I can IDENTIFY hazards related to an event that requires a solution.
  • I can COMPARE and CONTRAST events in different contexts.
  • I can initiate PLANNING to design and develop a product with a specific purpose.


Rebecca O’Hara & Anna-Marie Paul

ICT Teachers