Principal's Message

Welcome to Week 8, Term 3.
Berry St Education Model
One component of our whole school wellbeing approach is the use of strategies from the Berry St Education Model. Berry St strategies perfectly compliment our primary wellbeing, behaviour management and engagement program, PAX. I have visited many classrooms recently to participate in their 'welcome circles' or 'farewell circles' that form part of the Berry St approach to developing connection. These are times when students are directly supported to develop interpersonal skills and connect with their peers, teacher and classroom.
In my most recent visit, I was privileged to speak with the students of KG as they discussed 'what went well' for them throughout the day.
School Bytes parent app
All families are strongly encouraged to utilise the School Bytes parent app, ensuring that notifications are activated (click here for a guide).
Our use of School Bytes has allowed us to improve our communication, with more targeted notifications replacing the need for parents/carers to opt-out of irrelevant categories.
The school calendar is also now live in the School Bytes app. This is a live calendar that provides more information to families than the previously used newsletter calendar.
2025 class placement requests
Soon, planning for 2025 class composition will commence. This process includes the opportunity for students to identify three friends that they would like to be placed with, as well as the opportunity for parents/carers to make requests relating to pairings and separations. This information is taken into consideration when classes are created; however, due to the complexity of a range of dynamics and competing priorities, not all requests can be met.
Should you have a request for 2025, please email, with the subject heading '2025 request'. The window in which to make requests will close in early Term 4.
Mural consultation
In partnership with our P&C, I wish to invite families to provide feedback on a proposed design to repaint the aging mural located in the pebbled area. Our P&C wishes to fund the mural, with the design of local artist, Narmi Widders selected as the basis for consultation.
If you wish to provide input, please email, with the subject heading 'Mural'.
Transition Network
Ben Venue hosted a meeting between Armidale primary schools and preschools last Friday, with the purpose of establishing a Transition Network to enhance collaboration, communication and transition processes for our students moving onto primary school. Eight Armidale preschool and early childhood providers attended and discussions were able to identify a number of areas in which schools and preschools could work more closely to achieve better outcomes for children and families. These will be the focus of the next Transition Network meeting later this year.
Lost property
Each day, our staff collect a large number of misplaced items that have been left around the school after break times. Jumpers are the most frequently lost item. Please encourage your child to care for their possessions, as many of these go unclaimed.
We currently have a large number of named and unnamed uniform items. Named items are available for collection at the office. Unnamed uniform items are incorporated into the clothing pool after a period of time, while other items of property are donated to Vinnies or discarded.
Cam Pryce