Library News

A Magical Book Week
Book Week is over for another year, but what a great week it was at EDSC in 2024!
The theme for this week’s national Book Week was ‘Reading is Magic’. The week of activities kicked off on Monday with visiting author Kate Constable, who spoke to all Year 7s about her booklisted novel Crow Country. Students enjoyed listening to her talk about her writing process and inspiration, they asked her thoughtful questions about her work, and got their copies of Crow Country signed.
Tuesday was Dress Up Day, with students and staff taking part in a parade in the middle courtyard at lunchtime. Congratulations to the prize winners for their amazing and colourful book character costumes.
Wednesday saw the return of the popular Mystery Reader competition, with students excitedly searching the school grounds to find staff members reading. All the students who correctly identified the staff members and the books they were reading on the Mystery Reader bingo card were entered into a prize draw. Well done to the winners and everyone who took part, and a huge thank you to our volunteer Mystery Readers.
Visiting magician Mr Marvel roved throughout the middle courtyard at lunchtime on Thursday, astounding students and staff with his magic.
The week ended today with the announcement of this year’s winner of the EDSC Bookmark Design Competition.
Students are encouraged to read this year’s CBCA Books of the Year, including Grace Notes by Karen Comer and Scar Town by Tristan Bancks. We have both titles and other CBCA award nominated books in the EDSC Library
Bookmark Competition Winner
Congratulations to Artin D. of 7C for winning this year’s EDSC Bookmark Design Competition.
Students and staff voted on the shortlisted bookmark designs in the library over the last week. The competition received a fantastic 25 entries and 265 votes this year.
Artin’s bookmark will be printed and distributed free in the library later this year, and he has won a $20 book voucher from The Kids Bookshop.
A big thank you to everyone who entered and voted in the competition this year.
Just Over One Week Left in the EDSC Reading Challenge
There are only 12 days left in the EDSC Reading Challenge, so students are reminded to urgently get their books entered and verified.
All students who read and verify 15 or more books by the September 4 deadline will be invited to our Term 4 Reading Challenge Pizza Party.
Last year more than 150 students joined the party. Can we beat that number in 2024?
Students who are close to reaching 15 books are encouraged to talk to Ms Williams or Ms Andersen in the library who can help them reach their reading goal by the deadline.
EDSC students have now read an incredible 3,978 books so far this year, with 68 students already on the party invitation list.
Congratulations to the winner of our most recent Reading Challenge Fortnightly Draw. Novia of 9B won a $10 canteen voucher.
Students can enter all the books they’ve read since January 1, 2024 into the EDSC Reading Challenge Google Form. All details including rules and prizes are on our Reading Challenge webpage.
Kathryn Williams
Library Coordinator