Grade 5/6 News

Term 3, Week 6

Welcome to the Grade 5/6 News Page

Reminders and Upcoming Events:

  • Week 6: Friday 23rd August - Book Week Parade and 'The Blurbs'
  • Week 7: Friday 30th August - BSE Academy of Creative Arts Presentation at SGPS
  • Week 9:  - Wed 9th - Fri 11th September - Grade 5/6 Camp
  • Week 10 - Friday 20th September

Overview of Term 3 Learning...

In Reading, for the remainder of the term, we will continue reading our class novel 'Boy Overboard'. Students will explore the text from a word level (interesting vocabulary), sentence level (sentence structure and grammar) and whole text level (comprehension). We will also explore our reading fluency, through a 'Reader's Theatre' project. Students have been learning some fractured fairy tales, and during Weeks 7 & 8 students will be assigned roles and rehearse their parts.


In Writing, we have started our Poetry unit. In the first week of this unit, we have explored rhyming poems, Haiku, Diamante and Cinquain. Earlier in the term, select students attended a Writer's Workshop, with Author Lorraine Marwood. These students will now assist in teaching some of their takeaway learnings, helping all of Grade 5/6 to create personal and thought-provoking poetry.  


In Mathematics, our weeks are broken into 2 sections. On Mondays and Fridays, we focus on an Applied area of Mathematics and on Wednesdays and Thursdays, our students move into 'fluid groups' to develop their Mathematical understanding, at their individual point of need in the curriculum. 


In Weeks 7 & 8, our students will start our Money and Financial Mathematics unit. Students have completed their pre-testing for this unit and have been placed in a group according to their point of need. 


In Topic, students will explain how state/territory and federal laws are initiated and passed through parliament. Students will also explain how and why laws are enforced and describe the roles and responsibilities of key personnel in law enforcement, and in the legal system.


In STEAM, our Grade 5s have enjoyed experimenting with our new equipment by creating different kinds of circuits with light globes, fans, motors and buzzers. They will continue to explore a variety of circuits over the coming weeks. Our Grade 6 students have been working on creating a bot to include gears, which they will then develop into their battle bots. 


Grade 5/6 Melbourne Camp

Repeat Notice:

The event for Grade 5/6 Melbourne Camp has now been released on Compass for families to provide permission and payment. The camp will take place from Wednesday, 11th September, until Friday, 13th September


To assist with planning, it would be great if you could let your child’s teacher know if your child will not be attending this camp