Junior School News

Assistant Principal Report (Junior School)

Another Term has flown by and once again there are many things that our students can highlight and feel proud of for achieving over the course of Term 3. Students in years 7-9 have completed demonstrating their learning throughout the Term through their assessment tasks and are reflecting on their progress, strengths and areas for improvement heading into the final few months of the year.

Your' child’s progress reports will be published on compass at the end of Term. We encourage all families to discuss these reports with their child/ren and identify both positives and potential improvements regarding their efforts, behaviours and classwork.

One improvement we will be focusing on as a College throughout Term 4 will be punctuality. At Lyndale Secondary College we value the importance of arriving at school on time. We can show Respect to our peers & teachers by attending school on time. It is the Responsibility of students to ensure they are organised and prepared for learning.

Students who arrive late miss the start of the day with their peers and the beginning of lessons. This means that they are often unsettled and confused about tasks. It is a disadvantage to students when they are late. It is essential that students arrive at school on time to prevent disruption to their learning and that of others.

To ensure that student learning is not disrupted by continuous interruptions throughout the lesson with students coming late, the College will be implementing new protocols for lateness in Term 4 for all Junior Students. 

Year 7-9 students that are late to school during Period 1, will not be able to enter the classroom. Students will need to sign in and work in J2 independently from their lesson plan that will be on Compass. This room will be supervised by a Coordinator or Assistant Principal. Continual absence of class will affect overall attendance and may trigger a parent meeting to talk about progress.

We thank you in advance for your support with this and anticipate that improvement to punctuality will lead to enhanced learning outcomes for all students.


High School Musical

Well done to all students and staff for their efforts and talents in putting on a spectacular performance in High Schol Musical. It was fantastic to see such a strong representation of our younger students performing in this production and can’t wait to see what these young students showcase next moving forward.



We had 25 Year 9 students receive Certificates of Achievement in NAPLAN for exceeding the standard in literacy or numeracy (or both in some instances) during NAPLAN testing. This is the most amount of students we have had receive certificates of achievement for quite some time. Congratulations to..






























Year 8 Change Makers

Throughout Term 3 we have students from Year 8 participate in the Change Makers program. Change Makers is an educational program that focuses on fostering healthy relationships and challenging harmful gender stereotypes amongst young men. The program aims to improve emotional literacy, promote healthy relationships and challenge harmful ideas of masculinity.

These boys have demonstrated really strong leadership skills throughout the Term and we hope to see this continue in their journey at Lyndale SC. Well done boys on the respectful discussions you had to share your knowledge and understanding with one another. 

I hope our all students have a safe and restful break, spending time with family and friends. We look forward to seeing you back to continue showing growth in Term 4.

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