Parenting tips and resources

Positive Parenting
As parents we can help young children understand how to behave. Giving young children lots of praise and positive attention when they are being cooperative and following home routines helps to guide their behaviour. Positive parenting works for all children. It involves emphasising the positive, planning ahead, and using everyday routines to create learning opportunities that motivate children to do their best.
Please see the attached PDF for information about encouraging good behaviour through positive parenting.
School Holiday Speech and OT Opportunities
Allied Health Partnerships will be working at SSPS during the April School holidays.
Please see the attached flyer for details of all the activities available! (17th & 18th April)
Be quick as spaces are limited!!
Triple P Parenting - Free course for parents to help support children with worry/anxiety
Parent Line NSW
- 1300 1300 52
Kids Help Line
- 1800 55 1800
Ask Izzy
A very helpful wesbite which includes supports for families