Recovery update

Our Recovery Officer Holly has been working actively throughout the term to collaborate with external organisations such as Rochester Community House, Emergency Recovery Victoria, Anglicare, Echuca Regional Health, and Mind Australia. These partnerships are instrumental in enhancing the support and recovery services available to all members of our community.
Holly has also been busy planning our upcoming Beats N Eats Lunchtime where will be hosting a range of external support services on Wednesday the 27th of March.
The event will feature music courtesy of our Year 12 students as well as an array of food trucks, creating a vibrant and memorable atmosphere for our school community. Food will be available for purchase from the food trucks with everything $10 or under. We are fortunate in our support from Community House who are providing lawn games and a cosy bean bag hangout area for students to enjoy. By hosting these services, we aim to connect our students and staff to accessible support services the local area, fostering well-being and promoting recovery. See flyer below:
Access to recovery support services remain at every level. If you or your families find yourselves in need of assistance or have specific requirements, please feel free to reach out to the school or any of the incredible support services in our area.
Then I think a page with the current supports etc is worth having in there also and just some readings for people to flick through -
Recovery Hub Location: 48 MacKay Street, Rochester Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 5:00 pm Drop in for a chat with a dedicated Recovery Officer. No appointment needed.
Phone: 1800 560 760 Email:
| Rochester Community House Location: 43 Mackay Street, Rochester Hours: Monday – Thursday, 8:45 am Pop in for a chat with friendly staff. No appointment needed.
Phone: 03 5484 3600 Email: *Community Dinner Mondays at 6:00 pm, Shire Hall (Register by phone)
Rochester Secondary College Contact the Office and ask to speak with Holly our Recovery Officer.
Phone: 5484 1844 | Anglicare Available to speak with at Recovery Hub located on MacKay Street.
Phone: 1800 809 722 Online Self-Referral Form:
ERH (Echuca Regional Health) Call 03 5485 5421 or Rachael Edgar (Team Leader) at 0408 874 958.
Email: (Include name, address, mobile number, and date of birth). Prefilled Referral Form: Available at RSC.
| Mind Australia and Mallee Family Care – Loddon Mallee Mental Health and Wellbeing Connect Support for family members, carers, kin and people with mental ill-health and/or substance use challenges Phone: 1800 979 730 Email: |
Head Space Echuca Young people aged 12-25 are eligible for support from Head Space. Phone: 5485 5048 In person: 451 High St, Echuca
Following the link scroll down to ‘Make a Referral’ here you can find information for online self-referrals or online family/friend referrals.
| Quick Links
Resources You May Find Useful:
Red Cross – Maintaining Wellbeing in the Face of Long-Term Stress:
Teens Mental Health and Physical Health Resource (General Info):
Skills for Navigating Services:
Collaboration and Care between families and service providers (Case Studies):
What Parents and Caregivers can expect in the long-term following a disaster or community trauma:
11 Ways Parents and Caregivers can Support Children in the long-term following a disaster or community trauma:
PODCAST RECOMMENDATION: ‘Emerging Minds Families’ available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts and YouTube. Provides array of evidence-informed wisdom from experts on a variety of topics.