Parent & Student Matters 

  • Lost Property 
  • Visual Arts
  • da Vinci Decathlon
  • Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Adventurous Journeys
  • PAPA Comedy Night 

Lost Property

Please ensure all your son's items are clearly labelled with their name.

A reminder to students to check the area around them before leaving Oxford Falls to ensure they have all items.

Any items left behind will be returned to Chatswood on Thursday afternoons.  Anything that is labelled will be returned to students .  Anything unlabelled will be placed in the blue lost property bin on the verandah outside Student Reception.  

Please note that the blue lost property bin will be emptied at the end of this week.

Visual Arts

No Disappointments at Disappointment Lane!

Four students from the Year 12 Photography, Video and Digital Imaging class of 2023, Caleb Hanrahan, Freddie Johnston, Alex Regan and Jonathon Webster, are continuing their interest in filmmaking. Caleb is currently studying a Bachelor of Performing Arts and wrote the script and is directing and acting in the film. After months of planning, they are shooting their next short film Disappointment Lane. As part of the film shoot they worked at the Chatswood campus on Saturday and Sunday 6 and 7 April. 

Many from the Class of 2023 turned up to be extras, as well as current Year 12 student Dominic Mitchell and Year 10 Photography and Digital Imaging students Archie Turner and Matthew Oppen. 

In their words…

It was a lot more professional than I thought it would be and I got a lot of insight into filmmaking (Matthew) and it was a great experience and quite professionally crafted (Archie).

Shooting continues at other locations and the boys are hoping to put their finished film into a short film competition. 

Thanks go to Mr Ryan Balboa who played the role of acting coach and to Ms Penny Lindley playing a counsellor. Caleb was a Year 12 2023 Drama student who had an OnSTAGE nomination for his HSC performance. 

da Vinci Decathlon

Last Wednesday students from Years 9, 10 and 11 represented the College at the Regional da Vinci Decathlon. The Decathlon is an academic competition held by Knox Grammar school, designed to stimulate, and challenge the minds of school students. We competed against schools such as Ascham,  St Augustine’s, Loretto Normanhurst, North Sydney Girls and Castle Hill High in the fields of English, Maths, Science, Engineering, Cartography, Art and Poetry, Drama, Codebreaking, Ideation, and general knowledge. 


Our Year 10 team finished second overall. They came first in Mathematics, Science and Cartography. They also finished third in Drama.

Our Year 11 Team finished third overall. They came first in Mathematics, Cartography and Code Breaking. They also finished third in General Knowledge and Science. 

All the boys who represented the College should be very pleased with their effort. Most were part of the da Vinci Club which ran before school from 7:30 am in preparation for the event. A special thanks to Fergus Fung, Maxwell Forbes and Cooper Anderson, the Learning Prefects, who generously assisted the teams with their preparation.

Mr Paul Cummins - Da Vinci Decathlon Coordinator

Duke of Edinburgh Award:   Adventurous Journeys for the Bronze Award

As part of the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme, students need to undertake 2 Adventurous Journeys. 

At St Pius X College, the mode is Bushwalking.

If your son has already signed up to undertake the Bronze Award (Year 9 and 10 students) and would like to be considered for an Adventurous Journey in Term 2 they should meet with me or email me directly


Training for these journeys takes place on Monday afternoons from 3:20 pm – 4:30 pm in S1 (Training starts Monday 6 May). 


The dates for our Term 2, Bronze Adventurous Journeys are:

Week 5                 1-2 June               Practice Journey

Week 8                 22-23 June          Qualifying Journey


School co-curricular commitments (Winter Sport) must take priority over these Adventurous Journeys and written permission will need to be provided from coaches as well as the convenors to be granted leave to attend these hikes.

Please note that many opportunities to complete Adventurous Journeys exist external to the College and will be advertised in Woodchatta.

Mr Paul de Silva - Outdoor Education Coordinator

PAPA Comedy Night - May the 4th

Tickets for our upcoming fundraiser “Stand Up Comedy Stars” on Saturday, May the 4th, are now available!

Please use the link or QR code below to get your tickets and join us for a night of laughter to raise funds that will support our boys in their performing arts endeavours.

Seat numbers are strictly limited, so get in quickly!!!

This event is open to all adult members of the SPX community (not just families of students in Performing Arts).

Looking forward to seeing you there!

PAPA Committee