Teaching and Learning

Continuing the Journey of Excellence: Reviewing Year 9 Teaching and Learning Program


As part of our ongoing commitment to providing exceptional education, we are delighted to inform you that we are currently in the process of reviewing our Year 9 Teaching and Learning program. Building upon the foundation laid by the review of Year 7 & 8 in 2023, this endeavour marks another step in our journey towards continuous improvement and excellence in education at our College.


At St Joseph’s College, we recognise the importance of staying abreast of contemporary educational practices and ensuring that our programs cater to the evolving needs of our students. Hence, this review is not just a routine check-up; rather, it embodies our dedication to nurturing well-rounded individuals equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in the modern world.


One of the key drivers behind this review is our unwavering commitment to providing a breadth of programs and learning opportunities for our students. We understand that each student is unique, with diverse interests, talents, and aspirations. Therefore, it is imperative that our curriculum is dynamic and responsive, offering a rich tapestry of experiences that cater to the varied needs of our student body.


Furthermore, by engaging in this review process, we aim to identify areas of strength and areas for improvement within our Year 9 Teaching and Learning program. Through rigorous evaluation and reflection, we seek to refine our teaching strategies, enhance the delivery of our curriculum, and incorporate innovative approaches that foster deeper learning and critical thinking among our students.


Importantly, we value the input of all stakeholders—students, parents, teachers, and staff—in shaping the future direction of our educational programs. Your feedback and insights are invaluable in guiding our decision-making process and ensuring that we remain responsive to the needs of our learning community.


As we embark on this journey of review and renewal, we are excited about the possibilities that lie ahead. Together, we will continue to uphold the highest standards of excellence in education and empower our students to reach their full potential.


We look forward to sharing the outcomes of this review with you in the near future.


Term 1 Summary Reports now available


Your child's Term 1 Summary Report is now available on Compass. 


To view your child’s report on a computer:

  1. Click the option under their details on your dashboard: View Academic Reports.
  2. This will take you to the ‘Reports’ tab of your child’s profile. Here you will see any available reports listed.
  3. Click the blue title of the specific report you want to access, and it will download as a PDF file to your device for viewing.

To view your report on the Compass App:

  1. Select your child.
  2. Click on the ‘Reports’ tab of your child’s profile. Here you will see any available reports listed.
  3. Click the blue title of the specific report you want to access, and it will download as a pdf file to your device for viewing.


These reports will provide you with a summary of your child's class attendance data, their semester progress to date, and their learning behaviours. As it has been such a short term, your child may not have completed an assessment task in all of their subjects. As our College has a policy of continuous assessment, parents are able to view their child's assessment task results and feedback as they are completed and assessed on Compass in the coming weeks. 


Please take this opportunity to read these to celebrate the work and progress of your child/children during Term 1 and to set goals for the remainder of this semester and year.


Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences will be held on Thursday 21 March in the Oak Centre at Brigidine Campus. Information regarding these has been provided to families. These conferences provide a valuable opportunity for parents to meet their child’s teacher, discuss their progress and what can be put in place to ensure a successful semester result.


We wish you and your families a safe and refreshing upcoming holiday break.



Mrs Lisa Saillard

Assistant Principal - Learning & Teaching



NAPLAN – Thank you!

We would like to thank all parents and guardians you for your partnership with us during the NAPAN testing period. We had a high student participation rate, students were well organised and their behaviour was excellent. The teachers supervising NAPLAN did a wonderful job and the technology all worked well as anticipated.


The results for NAPLAN traditionally come out in July. More information will be sent about interpretation of NAPLAN results closer to this time.



Mr Rhys Leslie

Director Data & Improvement