Principal's News

We wish all our families a very merry Christmas and a happy and safe new year.

Christmas mass times, St Michael's Church

We welcome all our families to attend any of the mass times over the Christmas period at St Michael's Church. What a great opportunity for our children to experience the wonder of Christmas at mass on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day!


Tuesday, 24th December 2024 

4:00 pm Christmas Eve Mass 

6:30 pm Christmas Eve Mass 

10:30 pm Carol Service 

11:00 pm Mass of Christmas Midnight 

Wednesday, 25th December 2024 

10:30 am Christmas Day Mass 

Wednesday, 1st January 2025 

10:00 am Mass, The Solemnity of Mary Holy Mother of God

Ashburton Street Festival

Many of you will recall the event held in February this year with the hugely successful St Michael's Cakes and Snow Cones stall!! What a wonderful event it was and great to see some of our students on the stage performing to the wider community. Again in 2025 we need a volunteer committee to run the stall. The date is Sunday, February 23rd which is only a few weeks into Term 1.  We have parents in our school who have previously organised the stall who are more than happy to support you with it. Get a team of parents in your year level together, or even just two of you to start the process going. 

See Annie Herbison if you think you can help.


Thank you to all who attended our Carols event last week. The children did an amazing job and we greatly enjoyed sharing this event with our families.


Thank you to the PFA for again providing the sausage sizzle in the lead up to Carols and also for finalising the Christmas Raffle. A great way to end the year!

Christmas Raffle Winners

Congratulations to the winners of our Christmas Raffle!

Charlie Puopolo

Sam Prior

Alessandra Pulze

Charles Siu

Jordy Casey

Angie Bird (Connor and Aiden's grandmother)

The smiles on their faces as they received their prizes were priceless!


Thank you to Charlotte Jones, Jess Deschepper, Belinda Patterson and Alice Dwyer, working in with our PFA, for arranging for the items for this raffle. Along with the Wild West night, $8400 was raised which will all go towards the St Michael's Vegetable Garden, which will be starting up next year. We are so excited to get our hands dirty!!

End of Year School Mass

Last week we celebrated our Thanksgiving mass together where our Year Six students handed over the leadership light to our Year Fives in a beautiful ceremony. Thank you Mr Hickey for arranging this. It was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate all that has happened in 2024 and give thanks for everyone's gifts throughout the year.


In my farewell notice, I was remiss not to mention that Miss Emma Carmody (Science teacher) would not be returning to St Micheal's in 2025. Emma resumes a Year Three classroom at her full time school after her period of leave, travel and exploration this year. We thank Emma for her contribution to St Michael's and wish her well in 2025.


Well done to our Year Six students who, despite the heat, were still able to enjoy their Big Day Out at Gumbuya World. Most of the day was spent in the water or in the shade. 

Graduation Celebrations

Last night our Year Six students and their families gathered for a liturgy in St Michael's Church to celebrate finishing the school year. Thank you to Fr Darien for leading us in a beautiful service before heading over to the hub for the Graduation celebrations. We recognised the last seven years of schooling for these children and took the time to wish them well in their moves to Secondary School. 



Congratulations to the following students as recipients of the two awards we present at Graduation:


ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE: For continuously working to develop himself academically, taking on challenges to continue his growth and aiming high in all that he does, congratulations to ETHAN SEQUIERA 

COMMUNITY SPIRIT: For consistently being someone who looks out for others and for offering encouragement in every possible way, congratulations to HARLOW HILL

St Michael's Family Fun Fair

At our FFF we are looking to sell used children's toys that are in good condition. If you are clearing cupboards these holidays, please set aside any toys that are still in excellent condition that your children no longer use. We will make contact next year about when you can drop these off to the school.

Summer Fun at Boroondara Youth Hub

If you're looking for some fun Summer activities to do with the children, check out the Boroondara Youth Hub ideas.