Whole College Assembly

Our Values Award winner of "Pizza Lunch" for Cleo's Homegroup 7C

Our first Whole School Assembly was held Wednesday, the 20th of March. We invited families to attend as there were many awards to be handed to our students.

Among the many acknowledgments for achievements, we had our inaugural "Values Award" prizes being drawn and with much excitement as we announced the winners for the 3 prizes-

Cleo from 7C won the Pizza Party for her class
Bella loves pizza
Matthew also loves his pizza
7C enjoying the Pizza Party Prize
Cleo from 7C won the Pizza Party for her class
Bella loves pizza
Matthew also loves his pizza
7C enjoying the Pizza Party Prize
  1. Pizza lunch for the Homegroup 
  2. JBL Speaker
  3. Movie Tickets for Readings Cinema  

Meeting with Families

We value all our families and were delighted that some were able to take up our invitation to have coffee with the principals before the Whole School Assembly.

families and staff enjoying a cuppa together
families and staff enjoying a cuppa together

Whole College Assembly Term 2