VET Discovery Expo

We have such great opportunities for our students to connect with career networks who can support them with their post-school choices!
Many students from years 10 to 12 attended the VET Discovery Expo on the 30th May, at the Broadmeadows Town Hall.
VET Discovery Expo
Students had access to representatives from tertiary providers, including TAFEs, RTOs, Apprenticeship and Traineeship groups, local government, businesses and services - who had stalls for students to visit with opportunities to gain information and ask questions.
Students were very engaged with collecting brochures and asking questions to the many stall holders. Students who collected stickers from at least 5 stalls were entered into a competition to win a gift voucher.
Thank you to Mr Danher, Mr Sgambati, Ms C Russo and Ms Sue Brownbill for supervising the excursion.
A big thank you to the HWLLEN (Hume Whittlesea Local Leaning and Employment Network) for organising this event for schools.
Alina Azzollini
VET Coordinator