The Alpine School  

For Student Leadership

Alpine, an unexplained blessing, experience and dream. A school for student leadership.

Learning skills such as camping, hiking, social skills all relating to the Year 9 learning concepts of; Resilience, Empathy, Respectful Relationships, Collaboration, Health and Wellbeing, Identity, Environment, Emotional Managment, Learning Strategies. All of these were new things to learn, a new way to view things and to view change. 

My personal experience at Alpine was an absolute delight. I am so grateful and blessed to have had this opportunity. At first looking at the experience was being away for two months with no phone. "Wooh", big change, but I am so happy that I decided to go because with this camp I was able to develop more independence, more open mindedness and a growth mindset to try new things out of my comfort zone, more socialising and meeting some amazing people like our roommates. I was also fortunate to share this experience with friends from Lalor North, Abbie, Mia, Ben and Brad, as we were able to help and support each other during the camp and now that we have returned to LNSC. We all appreciate the Alpine School for the Student Leadership Program. This will be an experience that we will value and use forever.

Grace- Year 9B


(Our Cover Page Photograph) 

I had the pleasure of travelling up to the Alpine School to watch our students present their Community Learning Projects. They did a fantastic job, and I cannot wait to see them follow this through in our community when they get back home.


More importantly they were all full of smiles and it was incredible to see the growth and development in each of them. We are very proud of our young people for stepping out of their comfort zone and participating in such a challenging program and making the most of it.  

Matthew Tucker- Director of Student Voice, Agency & Positive Climate for Learning