From Our Principal

Dear students and families,
After a long and busy term, seemingly all at once we have arrived at the end of the first semester for 2024.
It is my privilege to congratulate you all on your contribution to our learning community and the persistence, resilience and good humour with which everyone has demonstrated Imagination, belief and courage…our building blocks for a rich and meaningful education.
This newsletter is later than usual because it provides a longer retrospective of this jamb-packed term – there is far more innovation, development and meaningful student activity than I can attempt to list…but all the student and staff endeavour flows to a torrent of enjoyment in learning both in the classroom and outside. I want to particularly thank the many staff who have gone ‘above and beyond’, determined to bring excellence to the experience of our young people.
Perhaps it is this increasingly vibrant atmosphere of connection and belonging that has spread beyond our gates into our local community to bring an enormous amount of interest in what we do at Lalor North Secondary College – and why it is a great place to flourish in learning.
I say this because our projected enrolment for year 7, 2025, once again requires a further class to be added as we approach 80 students (still a smaller and - I would suggest - intimate cohort of students compared to many secondary schools), but the growth in a short period of time is testament to who we are and what we do. Next year, students join us from some primary schools that we have not welcomed in many years, and those from our usual feeder schools have increased strongly in numbers. Of course, this is due of all of you who are reading this news – you should be very proud of who you are and what you stand for.
Growth in numbers has occurred not only at year 7, but across the school with so many choosing our college for their secondary education. And if one is in any doubt as to why this unprecedented level of growth is occurring – peruse this newsletter to understand the effort of our staff, and the qualities of our wonderful students and families.
Please take the opportunity - where ever possible - to rest, re-charge, renew and stay safe during the break, while imagining our bright shared future that glows a little over the horizon.
On behalf of College Council, our Assistant Principal, Selen Atilla, and all our exceptional staff, may you have a great break. We look forward to welcoming everyone back for term three.
Pre-Service Teachers from La Trobe University