Whole School News


Rosanna Primary is holding another uniform swap!


Do you have a pile of RPS uniforms you don’t know what to do with? 


Would you like to swap them for different sizes or items?


The come along after school on Friday 22nd March to the art room and swap your uniforms. Please note the change of location to the art room.



How will it work?

  1. Bring your unneeded uniform items along. We will accept all uniform items. They don’t have to have a RPS logo.
  2. Uniforms must be clean, and in good condition.
  3. Our helpers will quality check the items and give you tokens for swapping 
    • one token per item donated 
    • 4 tokens for the specialty polar fleece jackets
  4. Have a look through the items and exchange your token(s) for an item(s) of uniform
  5. If you would like to purchase more items than you have donated, then items will be also available for sale as well. 
    • $5 per item (worth one token)
    • $20 for the polar fleece jackets (worth 4 tokens)
    • This is keeping in line with the existing prices the uniform shop charges for second hand goods

A special note: we seem to always need the larger uniform sizes (size 12 and up). If you have any of these items to swap, please bring them along. We will also take donations of these larger sizes too. So if you don’t want to participate in the swap, but want to clean out your wardrobes, then please leave them at the office. 

Swapping Terms and Conditions

  • Please only bring items that are in good used condition. No rips or stains and please make sure they are clean.
  • Donating an item for the event does not guarantee a swap in return, although we do have vouchers for next swap if you cant find anything you need.
  • Swap depends on availability of items for swapping.
  • Swaps cannot be returned after the event.
  • Swap tokens have no financial redemption value.
  • All left over uniform items will be retained by the school for use in future swaps.

Any Qs? You can email Jackie.arbuckle@yahoo.com.au

If you would like to help Jackie organise the swap, please email her as well. We hope to see you there.

Puggles The Guinea Pig Update

Wednesday lunchtime Guinea pig pats have been going for most of term 1 alongside the finger knitting lunchtime club with Mrs Brasch. A new location, but same number of pats for Miss Puggles. 


Yesterday we had about 15 kids come through for a pat of Puggles. Each child gets a bamboo leaf to feed her, and while she is eating their leaf, they have their turn to pat her. Then she gets passed on to the next person. She keeps going around and around the circle eating leaves and getting pats. As one child said yesterday, “she is in heaven!”. Some kids stay for the entire time, others come and go when they have had enough time with her.


It’s lovely to see the care they take with Puggles. They learn patience to wait for their turn, and inclusivity when new people arrive, as space is made in the circle. It is also very relaxing for the kids, as patting an animal releases oxytocin which is a very calming hormone. A couple of kids have even saved veggies from their lunch boxes for her. She had some carrot sticks a couple of weeks ago and some cabbage yesterday!


School holidays are fast approaching, and some kids were asking about taking Puggles home for the weekend or part of the school holidays.  So, if you don’t have any cats or dogs, then you will be able to have her for a few nights. She has been home with quite a few RPS families in 2023. I am very keen to share the Guinea pig love around the school community.


Please join the FB group to find out more info. https://m.facebook.com/groups/2500982203509980/?ref=share&mibextid=S66gvF



Chicken Update

The chickens survived the hot weather on the long weekend! We had families bringing them fruit and veggies frozen in ice for them to peck at. They loved it. Luckily the two breeds we have: Australorp and ISA Brown, are very hardy when it comes to the Australian weather conditions. (Much hardier than I am!)


Some parents/carers have been bringing up kitchen scraps to feed them through the week before and after school, which is fantastic. Thanks to all of you for your generosity.. They especially love anything green (lettuce, spinach, beans, cucumber), corn cobs (cooked or raw), and they absolutely love grapes. I have been bringing my wrinkly grapes up for them, as my family can never seem to get through a whole bag quick enough. 


There is a sign on the wire coop with things they can and can’t eat. The main things are: no onion (or onion family), no potato, and no meat.


Chickens also love weeds and grass, so walking on your way to school, or weeding the garden on the weekend, you can feed these to the chickens. It’s important to note that some weeds are toxic, so if you are unsure if they can have it or not, you can do a google image search to find out what the weed is called and then google that to see if chickens can eat it. They love dandelion, and that one is easy to spot. 


We are trying to be careful not to attract rodents and other birds such as pigeons into the yard, although pigeons are a losing battle at the moment, so if you are dropping off scraps for them, please feed them through the wire coop feeding windows. We don’t want food scraps in their yard. Weeds and grass are ok for their yard, but not food scraps. 


Most weeks at assembly we will have eggs for sale as well as other garden produce. The eggs are $1 each and other things from the garden are priced on the day. In the last couple of weeks, we have had fresh flowers, various herbs, spring onions, and cherry tomatoes. Last week we even had some zucchini. If you are interested in supporting the school garden in this way, please bring cash to assembly and look for the sustainability agents with the basket of goodies.


Finally, we have been very lucky to connect in with a community organisation called Surry Hills Neighbourhood Centre. They get fresh food donated by Fareshare, which they distribute to families in need. But by the end of the week there is often a box of fruit and veg left over, that is not quite good enough for humans to eat. A local Heidelberg resident has connected with Jackie, and she has been bringing the box to RPS on Friday afternoons on her way home from the Surry Hills Neighbourhood Centre. We give the chickens a feast on Fridays, and whatever is not suitable for them, gets put into our school compost. This is truly a zero-waste initiative which RPS is very thankful to be a part of. 

Book Club - Issue 2


Magazines for Issue 2 of Book Club  have been sent home.


Every purchase from the Scholastic Book Club not only gives your child wonderful educational resources at home, but also contributes to the school Library collection which benefits all of the school children. 


There are 4 ways to order: 


1. By credit card using LOOP, where you complete the book order and pay online – nothing needs to be sent back to school 


2. Credit card over the phone, you still need to complete an order form & return it to school with the 11-digit receipt number 


3. Cash (correct money) in an envelope with the completed order form 


4. Cheque (made payable to Scholastic Australia) with the completed order form 


Orders are due back to school by Monday 18 March, with delivery around one week later.



SRI (Christianity) sessions will start after school on Monday 18 March from 3.45 – 4.15pm. Apologies that we couldn’t commence earlier, but Andy, Peter and I are all set to go for the 18th and looking forward to a great year exploring stories from the Bible and doing activities and games that highlight values and understanding. Permission forms are still available from the office and we’re always happy to have more participants.

See you soon!


Cathie Clarke

SRI (Christianity) Team Leader

Ph: 9459 2278 or 0411 883 904


Big Group Hug

We're nearing the end of our PJ's, Jocks, and Socks goods drive for children in need, and so far, we've only reached 5% of our sleepwear and underwear goal. This campaign is crucial to us for gathering these essential items for disadvantaged kids in our community.


Please drop any donations to the office.


Students Of The Week


Congratulations To Our Leaders Of Learning!!


Term 1 - Week 6


Prep K - Lydia C

Prep S - Lexi W

1/2P - Maidi N

1/2K - William E

1/2S - Nicholas M and Alexa G

1/2W - Klara W

2/3W - Charlie S and Austin C

3/4B - Ivy P and Remy K

3/4R - Elizabeth and Cooper

3/4T - Gea and Kiarnah

4/5H - Albert HT and Pippa D

5/6D - Khloe C and Louie K

5/6A - Jean S and Abby M


House Cup 


Term 1 - Week 6 Winner:  Red Waratah!!


Green Grevillea - 2 Points

Red Waratah - 1 Point

Blue Gum - 0 Points

Golden Wattle - 0 Points