News From Around The School 

Staff & Students Commence At New Campus 

Commencing at our new campus certainly has been a milestone in our school's history that we have been looking forward to for the last few years. Our staff were delighted to see the reaction on the face of students as they explored their new campus for the first time. Wonder and awe were perhaps the two best words to describe how students felt about the size and offering of the new school.


The Wee Waa News compiled a comprehensive article on students' first week in their new campus. You can read the article here


We hope you enjoy this photo gallery from our first day at the new campus.

Making History……Again!!

Three of our wonderful staff have made history by being the only three people who can claim to have attended Wee Waa Central School and then Wee Waa High School as students when it was first built, and now as staff at our new Wee Waa High School.


Photo from left; Patricia Nolan (nee Macklin-Shaw, Helen Wenner (nee Murray), Cindy O’Neil (nee Todkill) with Principal, Jacki Neil

Bio Security In Focus 

Stage 5 Ag students worked with Clare Felton-Taylor from the Narrabri Shire to plant 14 native trees at our new school. Before planting the trees, Clare educated us on biosecurity matters, identifying 6 different biosecurity weeds that she works towards eradicating across Narrabri Shire. 

Industry Immersion Opportunity 

A group of Year 10 students participated in an Industry Immersion excursion during the last week of term. The opportunity allowed them to build on their knowledge of the world of work and future workforce skill requirements.


Our thanks go to CSD, Nutrien Ag Wee Waa, Britto’s Engineering, NamoiCare Connect and Billy Humphries Transport for hosting our students and offering them terrific insights into different career paths and personal employment journeys.

Young Farmers Association Hosts Ag Students 

The Wee Waa branch of the NSW Farmers Assoc hosted a young farmers dinner on Friday evening with guest speaker, Dr Rebecca Thistlethwaite from the University of Sydney Plant Breeding Institute. Senior Agriculture students from Wee Waa and Narrabri High Schools attended the event and benefited greatly from the opportunity to hear about Dr Thistlethwaite’s innovative work. The NSW Young Farmers Council generously sponsored the cost of the students’ tickets.


Photo – Visiting Sydney University students, students from Narrabri and Wee Waa High Schools, WWHS Agriculture Teacher, Ms Olivia Bray along with Mr Martin Murray, Chair of NSWFA Young Farmers Council.

Merced Farming Farm Case Study Visit 

Our Year 11 and 12 Agriculture students visited Merced Farming last Friday to conduct a farm case study that form part of an assessment task.


Students had the privilege of having Mr Daniel Kahl explain the family business. Daniel discussed the various aspects of Merced’s farming enterprise and innovative initiatives they are working on, along with the future direction of agriculture. The visit also included a tour of the property and farm infrastructure.


The opportunity provided a great insight for students into farm management and the business of farming. Our sincere thanks to Daniel and the team at Merced for a day of learning.

Reconciliation Week Activities

During Reconciliation Week, a number of our students had the opportunity to attend the CSIRO campus for their annual Reconciliation Week morning tea. Our AEO, Mrs Helen Wenner was joined by students; Ernie Green, Rakaia Skinner, Caitlyn Smith, Trey Towns, Kris Went, Caitlyn Swager and Tylee Smith, along with teacher, Mrs McGregor. Mr Rod Pocock and Mrs Bernadette Melton shared with students the exciting opportunities and career paths in the STEM sector. Year 9 student, Rakaia Skinner proudly delivered the Acknowledgement to Country in Wiradjuri and Mrs Wenner delivered the Acknowledgement to Country in language and in English. Aunty Ann spoke of the history leading up to the acknowledgement of Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week and how the youth needed to know of the past.


WWHS also joined with Wee Waa Primary School to acknowledge Reconciliation Day with our annual lunchtime BBQ. Cooked by our School Representative Councillors, students enjoyed a delicious lunch before coming together for the cutting of not one, but two cakes that were generously supplied by the WWPS and WWHS' AEO, Mrs Helen Wenner. Students and staff welcomed Elders and representatives from the Aboriginal community who joined us in the lunch time celebration.

Careers In Focus 

Seventeen Year 10, 11 and 12 students attended the Tamworth Regional Career Expo where they had the opportunity to connect with universities, businesses, the Australian Defence Force, NSW Police, TAFE and a wide range of other training providers to explore career and further study pathways. There were plenty of opportunities to take part in practical experiences to help provide a sense of what different jobs and industries entail. 


Earlier in the term, ten Year 10 and 11 students appreciated and benefitted greatly from the opportunity to attend the Whitehaven 'Try A Trade Expo' in Gunnedah yesterday. Students were given the chance to speak with industry professionals about the different career paths on offer in the mining sector and other associated industries. TAFE and UNE were also on hand to discuss their tertiary education courses that support and compliment careers in the mining sector. 


This year's University of New England open day saw a large contingent of our Year 11 and 12 students travel to Armidale to attend. While there they learnt about the degree courses on offer, and the on-campus accommodation options. The students said that apart from having a lot of fun, the knowledge gained will greatly assist students in their planning of their further education goals.

Young Judges Competition at Narrabri Show 

Students from Years 7-10 attended the Narrabri Show to participate in the Young Judges competition. This involved students grading Merino sheep, meat sheep, grain and fruit and vegetables. Students enjoyed the experience, and had the opportunity to discuss their placing with the judges. WWHS Agriculture teacher, Ms Bray explained ‘It was the first time junior judging for many students, and they all did very well. I’m proud of the success they’ve had this year’.

Free PCYC Safer Driver Training Program For Wee Waa & Narrabri Students 

A PCYC Safer Driver Program is being held in Narrabri on Monday, 5th August 2024, from 4pm to 7pm. This course is broken up in two modules;


Module 1 – Three Hours - Class Room Component 

This module has an interactive hazard perception focus and is discussion based

Module 2 – Two hour practical weekend on-road coaching session involving two learner drivers in the car with a coach. This session is aimed at putting the lessons learnt in Module 1 into practice and ultimately helping young drivers identify risks and minimise risk taking behaviour.


These practical sessions are delivered by a professional driving instructor accredited with the NSW Driver Trainers Association.


In order to qualify for this course, participants must have accumulated 50 hours of driver training before participating on Monday 5th August 2024. 


Learner driver participants will receive 20 hours off their required logbook hours.


The Rotary Club of Narrabri has funded 10 positions for students in the Narrabri Shire. There are currently five of these funded positions still available. The full cost of the course is $140, however five more fee free positions are available courtesy of the Narrabri Rotary Club.


For Wee Waa High School students who want to pair-up with another participant, The Narrabri Driving School will travel to Wee Waa to deliver Module 2. 


Statistically, the first six months after receiving your provisional license are the most dangerous. New P-plate drivers can find it challenging on the roads without the support of an experienced instructor by their side. This course equips young drivers with the tools they need to manage the transition to a full licence.


To register, please contact Louise Tout of the Narrabri Driving School on 0429 936144

FREE NBN Broadband For Families Not Already Connected

The Australian Government has established the School Student Broadband Initiative (SSBI) to provide free home internet for one year.


To be eligible, a family must have a child living at home that is enrolled in an Australian school, have no active broadband service over the nbn network, and live in a premises where they can access a standard nbn service. Families must not have had an active nbn connection during the previous 14 days.


For More Information;

Contact the National Referral Centre on 1800 954 610 (Mon-Fri, 10am-6pm AEDT), or go to


The next WWHS P&C meeting will take place Tuesday 30th July 2024 at 5.30pm in the new school library. Parents, carers and interested members of the community are encouraged to attend.