Junior School, Brooklyn Park

Alex Lauder, Junior School Teacher

On this page:Year 3/4 Water Cycles | Coffee Connect

Year 3/4 Water Cycles


Our Year 3/4 students at Brooklyn Park have been diving into the captivating world of the Water Cycle through a series of engaging practical experiments. 


As they explore this fundamental process, they're discovering the intricate journey water takes through key processes. From identifying sources of water to describing the dynamic movement of water through the sky, our students are gaining a deeper understanding of precipitation, evaporation, and condensation. 


Through hands-on activities and inquisitive exploration, they're not only learning about the water cycle but also fostering a profound appreciation for the essential role water plays in our life. As our students make waves in their understanding of the Water Cycle, they're truly soaking up the knowledge and making a splash in their exploration of the Earth's aquatic resource!


Alex Lauder

Year 3/4 Teacher

Coffee Connect 


Once a month Brooklyn Park parents gather before Monday morning assembly, drawn together for the sake of connection (and by the scent of caffeine). 


Coffee cart provided, it is a blessing to see our parents fawn over babies, pass on advice and laugh over shared journeys. An opportunity for true connection, we would love for you to join us!