

The plot that shapes all the others


‘Finally the other disciple, who had reached the tomb first, also went inside.  He saw and believed.’ John 20:8


Think of your favourite action movie.  It wasn’t that long ago in our household that my daughters were crazy about Marvel movies, Lord of the Rings and anything Star Wars.  Like many other movies of this genre, they have in common a sort of U-shaped plot.  The hero faces impossible danger and has next to zero odds of getting out.  All is lost.  We are at the bottom of the U.  Then the plot turns.  A change of fortune.  Onwards and upwards to a victorious finish. 


You may not know this, but the study of Jesus’ life is a serious enterprise.  Amongst my favourite scholars, more than one person has noted that the account of the first Easter exemplifies this U-shape.  In fact, they even contend there is something in the human heart that connects deeply with the account so that it has been driving other retellings ever since.  Innocent Jesus, the Son of God, is so badly treated.  He is betrayed, denied, condemned, beaten, exchanged for a murderer, nailed to cross and executed.  The bottom of the U coincides with the loss of hope as a few faithful disciples bury his remains in a tomb carved out of stone. Despair.  Emptiness. Anguish. 


On the third day ,some of his women disciples find the tomb empty and are told to let his disciples know that Jesus is risen.  Jesus then starts appearing to his disciples.  He forgives them for deserting him.  And for everything else.  And he tells them to forgive all those who are sorry for their sins in his name. Flourishing, compassion and eternal life have broken out into the world.  Victory!


Look for this great U-shaped plot in your favourite book or movie.  Be reminded of why there is nothing like Easter: where through the agony and despair of death of dear Jesus, God’s perfect son, we are given life. And of course, you are very welcome to relive and receive this profound plot over the Easter weekend at St Paul Lutheran Church – see the Church page in this newsletter for more details. 


Blessed Easter!


Submitted by Pastor Matt Bishop