College life in pictures

Year 6s hit the ground running in Canberra
Our Year 6 students have been enjoying the first half of their trip to Canberra, exploring landmarks around our nation's capital. On the itinerary for today was a visit to Parliament House, where students participated in a guided tour and tried their hand at role playing.
School 'paw-trait' time
We couldn't let Millie, our school therapy dog, miss out on the opportunity to have her school photo taken this week. And she shone in the limelight, posing for the camera effortlessly. Well done, Millie!
Students treated to a science spectacle
Last week the College was excited to host a visit from the Questacon Science Circus, whose lively performers gave Year 3-6 students an exciting crash course on friction, sound and how paper cups and slinkies are used to make laser-like sound effects for film.
Egg hunt provides a Kinder surprise
In the lead up to Easter, the Kinder Wallabies and Platypuses took part in an egg hunt to locate chocolate treasures hidden throughout the Kinder garden. Handmade baskets in hand, the students searched under bushes and in tufts of grass for their special loot and showcased wonderful sharing skills so they each had some goodies to take home.