From the Deputy Principal

Caroline Wilson-Haffenden

As Term 1 draws to a close, it is important to acknowledge the many learning opportunities, gatherings and events enjoyed during the past 10 weeks; activities like the Year 7 and 8 Pillars experiences, Year 6 Canberra trip, numerous excursions, cocurricular opportunities and House competitions, including swimming and athletics carnivals. 


When speaking recently to Year 7 students about their first term in the Senior School, their first day nerves were a distant memory, with students uniformly positive about their experiences. We are grateful to the students for their enthusiasm and engagement as well as the energy and commitment of staff. It was fitting that during their Pillars lesson on Monday, the Year 7 students and teachers enjoyed brunch courtesy of Murphy’s Café.

May the holiday be a wonderful time spent with family and friends. We encourage students to put their devices away, and we ask parents and carers to please be mindful of the sites that children may be accessing. School TV has a wealth of resources on the topic of screen time that can be viewed online here: Managing Screen Time 

Learning Conferences

Please note that the Senior School Learning Conferences are scheduled for Monday 29 April. The conversation between teacher, parent and student is integral for setting up a successful learning pathway that meets student goals and gives agency to our students in their learning. Bookings will be open from tomorrow, Thursday 11 April, and parents and carers are encouraged to schedule a time to discuss their child's overall progress and wellbeing. Students are expected to attend the conferences with their parents and carers. 


Some guiding questions for parents, carers and teachers in preparation for the Learning Conferences:

  • What successes have you experienced in this class/subject so far? 
  • What has been your biggest challenge and what steps have you taken to overcome it?
  • How can we support you in your learning?
  • What will help you achieve your academic goals for this subject?
  • How can I further support you in this class?
  • What steps can you put in place to improve on any identified areas we have discussed?
  • Regarding executive functioning, what has worked for you before? Is there anything new you would like to try? How can we support your strategies?

For all students, regular timetabled classes commence on Tuesday 30 April. 


In Term 2, we look forward to a continued focus on the Presentation touchstone of Compassion.