Middle School News

Year 7 to 9

Year 7 Camp 

We are delighted to share the incredible experience that was the Year 7 Anglesea YMCA Camp! This year, our students were given the chance to enjoy a variety of exciting activities, make lasting memories, and develop new skills, all in the beautiful outdoor surrounds of Anglesea. 


The camp offered students the opportunity to get outside and embrace challenges. With a fantastic mix of activities, ranging from team-building exercises to adventurous outdoor challenges, students tested their courage and teamwork skills on the high ropes, giant swing, and canoeing. One of the biggest highlights was surfing at the beautiful Anglesea Main Beach. Students suited up in wetsuits and took to the waves with confidence, giving it a go with smiles on their faces. They didn’t want it to end, and it is easy to understand why. The weather was perfect, the sun was shining, and they were free to learn at their own pace. This truly was a wonderful experience for our students!


Surrounded by the natural beauty of Anglesea, our students had the opportunity to disconnect from technology and connect with the environment, their peers and teachers. From early morning breakfast duties, daily activities, walks on the beach at sunset, evening trivia, and settling in to rest in their cabins and tents at bedtime, the camp allowed everyone to appreciate the simple joys of nature and develop a deeper respect for the world and those around them. We encourage students to continue these real-life connections in their own time. 


We are so proud of the resilience, teamwork, and enthusiasm our students showed throughout the camp, and we can’t wait to see how these experiences shape the rest of their year at EDSC.

Year 8

We are pleased to inform you that as part of our Term 1 Year 8 program, we are offering students the opportunity to attend an excursion to Enchanted Adventure Garden in Arthurs Seat, Victoria. Aimed at promoting curiosity, physical activity, and environmental appreciation, this excursion will provide a fun and educational experience, allowing students to engage with nature, team-building activities, and outdoor adventures in a beautiful environment. Details regarding this excursion were posted on the Compass newsfeed and emailed. Please provide consent and payment via Compass by Monday 24 March 2025. 


The year level will be separated into two groups and each group will attend the excursion on their designated day:

  • Group 1 – 8A – 8H Date of Excursion: Monday 31 March
  • Group 2 – 8I – 8P Date of Excursion: Wednesday 2 April

To support families' financial planning of these events, please note that the Victorian School Saving Bonus can be allocated to this excursion. Using the bonus is a fantastic way for students to have the opportunity to experience educational trips. The bonus can also be applied to other events or school-related experiences throughout the year should you wish to use it at an alternative time. 

Year 9 

We are excited to announce that the Year 9 City Experience is coming up in the first half of Term 2. This extended excursion offers students the opportunity to explore key cultural, historical, and modern landmarks, while engaging in hands-on learning experiences.


Students will meet in the city each day for a whole school week to engage in a program designed to foster independence, teamwork and develop students’ knowledge of the Melbourne CBD. Please keep a look out on Compass for further information throughout the term. 


Dates for City Experience are as follows:

9A – 9H: Term 2 Week 2, Monday 28 April - Friday 2 May 

9I – 9P: Term 2 Week 5, Monday 19 May - Friday 23 May

Giulia Catalano

Assistant Principal Middle School

Year 9 Pathways and VCE Acceleration: Important Information

Students in Year 9 will start to make some significant choices about their future Senior School pathways this year.


The efforts that Year 9 students make now will have an impact on their choices for next year, including potential VCE acceleration and their choice of Maths and Science subjects in Year 10.


We encourage students to work hard across all of their subjects. Year 9 students who would like to accelerate in a VCE subject should be making a consistent effort, responding to teacher feedback, and studying regularly to prepare them for this big step forward.


VCE Acceleration Criteria

To undertake VCE acceleration in Year 10, students will have to meet certain criteria. 

The criteria for a VCE accelerated subject in Year 10 is as follows:

  • Excellent Academic Results (This will include Year 8 Cycles 1-6 and most importantly Cycles 1-3 in Year 9)
  • 80+ across Cycles 1-3 in Year 9 in the subject area where a student wishes to accelerate.
  • 80+ across Cycles 1-3 in Year 9 in four other related subjects including English.
  • Work Practices – Attitude and Effort on cycle reports will also be taken into consideration.
  • Attendance - a minimum of 90% attendance, excluding approved absences.

Decisions will be based on the extent to which the criteria have been met, as well as the number of places available. Year 11 students will always have priority placement in a Year 11 subject.


A common misconception is that students undertaking an accelerated VCE subject will result in students undertaking fewer subjects in Year 12. This is not the case. Students will still be expected to complete 5 studies in Year 12. The extra subject completed simply allows for students to have a bonus subject for their ATAR calculation.


Year 10 Maths and Science Choices

In addition to the criteria for VCE acceleration, students’ Year 9 Maths and Science results will inform the Maths and Science pathways open to them in Year 10. 


More Information About Course Selection and Acceleration

Students will be provided with further information and guidelines regarding course selections and VCE acceleration applications late in Term 2. This will be followed by extensive course counselling for every student early in Term 3.

Brett Lamb

Assistant Principal- Teaching and Learning

Student Lunches

Just a reminder to parents that we are unable to deliver lunches to students during school time.  It is the student’s responsibility to come and collect their lunch if it has been dropped off at Reception. Hot food is not suitable to be left at Reception.


PLEASE NOTE: Take-away food is not allowed at the College during school hours.  Under no circumstances are students to be ordering take-away food to be delivered to the College.

Student Compass ID/Library/PTV  Cards

Please remind all students that they must carry their Student Compass ID/Library/PTV  Cards with them at all times.


ALL students must sign in with their card at the Middle School Office when they are arriving late and sign out at the General Office when they are leaving early for any reason. 


The cards are also used for any student photocopying that is done at school. The EDSC Student Compass ID/Library card can be used as ID for student PTV (Public Transport Victoria) travel. They are required to carry this card as student identification while travelling on public transport.


If a student loses their card, parents/guardians are able to re-order a replacement card via the Compass parent portal.