Principal's Report

Year 7 Orientation Camps
Last week our Year 7 students embarked upon what is always a highlight in their first year at the College - Year 7 Camp. A significant element of their transition to secondary school, Year 7 camp provides students with the opportunity to step outside the classroom, build stronger relationships with their peers and teachers, and helps students grow in confidence. Held at Anglesea, Year 7 camp provided a range of exciting activities for our students with highlights including surfing, the giant swing, high ropes, bike riding and the night walks.
It was wonderful to see students and staff returning with smiling faces and great anecdotes about their adventures. Our Year Level Coordinators and other staff who attended are full of compliments for the Year 7 cohort who were so open to trying new things and were supportive and inclusive of their peers. It is always amazing to see how such a short time away together can have a visible impact on the strengthening of new connections and friendships.
I would like to acknowledge the Middle School team for their extensive planning of the event. Experiences such as these take a significant amount of planning and our Middle School team do all that they can to ensure the best experience possible for all students. A big thank you to Giulia Catalano (Assistant Principal for Middle School), Leanne Kaufmann (Transition Coordinator), Duncan Anderson, Natassia Bell and Jane Denton (Year 7 Coordinators) and Bree Murphy (Middle School Secretary). Camps such as this are also a success due to the tremendous efforts of all attending staff. Thank you to each of our staff who contributed to the success of the camps and gave up their own valuable family time in doing so.
School-Wide Positive Behaviour Supports- Expected Online Behaviours
In today’s world, digital media plays a huge role in young people's lives, often shaping how they connect, learn, and communicate. With this influence comes the responsibility to behave responsibly and respectfully online. It is important to us that students understand that when they engage with classmates, teachers, or others online, it is important to treat everyone with kindness and respect.
As part of our College focus on School Wide Positive Behaviour Supports, we have worked with staff and students on articulating expected behaviours when interacting online. By being thoughtful in our interactions, we help create a safe and positive digital environment where everyone feels respected and supported.
We will continue to work with our students in order to develop a shared understanding of these expected behaviours and encourage families to have open conversations at home about safe and respectful behaviours to assist students in navigating their online interactions.
EDSC win 2025 Whitehorse Division Swimming Carnival!
I am thrilled to be able to share the outstanding achievement of our students at the Whitehorse Division Swimming Carnival held on Monday 3 March at Aquarena in Templestowe Lower. Our swim team (comprising of 39 students) took out the 2025 championship. Our students ended the day very comfortable in first place followed by Koonung Secondary College, Blackburn High School and Box Hill High School.
Congratulations also to the following students who were awarded age champions:
Girls 12-13 - Valerie 7R
Boys 12-13 - Sean 8F
Boys 14 - Ishaaq 9O
Girls 15 - Leona 9I
Boys 15 - Eugene 9G
Girls 18-20 - Courtney 12B
Boys 18-20 - Chan 11M
Ishaaq broke five records on the day, Leona broke two and Eamon one. We also broke eight relay records!
I wish our students all the best at the EMR Swimming Carnival being held on March 28, where we will have a number of individual swimmers and eight relay teams participating! Go team!
A big thank you to Michael James and Glenn Baker who play a crucial role in supporting our students in their success.
School Council Update
A reminder to families that the ballot for School Council election will close on Friday 14 March at 4.00pm.
In the 2025 School Council Elections there are:
- Four vacant parent category positions
- Two vacant DE (employee) positions
- Two vacant student category positions
Information regarding the process, Candidate Statements and timeline for the 2025 School Council Elections can be found on Compass Newsfeed.
The student category ballot took place during Positive Futures this week. Students who were not present may still vote; the process for students has been posted in a separate News Feed to students.
As there were only two nominations for the two employee positions, no ballot is required for this category.
School Council and 2025 Annual General Meeting - Open Meeting
We are extending an invitation to the College Community to attend the March School Council meeting which is the first meeting of the new School Council and Public Meeting. This will be held at 6.30pm on Wednesday 26 March. Interested parties are asked to please contact Lisa Bull at for further details and to register attendance. All attendees must be registered by 4.00pm Monday 24 March.
Cycle One College Reports
A reminder for parents that our College Cycle One reports will be available on the Compass system on Wednesday 19 March.
Our first assessment cycle, although reflecting a relatively short timeframe for all subject areas, offers important feedback at this early stage of the school year. It is our aim that this level of initial feedback will allow for positive outcomes and work-habits to be reinforced and for any issues to be identified and improved upon in a timely manner that allows for a successful platform for learning growth throughout the year.
As the term comes to its conclusion it is hoped that parents and students will focus on this initial feedback to monitor learning progress and positive study habits.
Parent – Student – Teacher Conferences
Given the imminent release of our Cycle 1 reports, this is a further reminder that our Term 1 Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences are to be held on Thursday 3 April 2025.
We encourage parents and students to avail themselves of this important opportunity to meet our teachers to discuss student progress. All bookings must be made via Compass.
Interview Times are:
- Interviews 12.30pm – 2.30pm
- Interviews 2.45pm to 4.45pm
- Interviews 5.30pm – 7.30pm
The Parent - Student - Teacher Conference Booking System will be accessible from:
- Year 12 Student Bookings - 12.00pm Friday 21 March until 12.00pm Wednesday 2 April
- Year 7 to 11 (Including Year 11 students doing a 3/4 subject) Student Bookings – 10.00am Monday 24 March until 12.00pm Wednesday 2 April
We acknowledge that the logistics of the afternoon and evening make it difficult for all parents to meet with each teacher, I would therefore advise parents to be selective and prioritise their bookings.
**Please note that bookings are essential – there will be no opportunity for unscheduled interviews. We also ask that only parents and enrolled students attend. Please be aware that bookings fill quickly, and you may not get the opportunity to see all teachers during these sessions. However, you are able to readily contact teachers via the Compass system if you have any concerns or questions.
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) for Years 7 and 9 students will be delivered online next week between Wednesday 12 March and Monday 17 March.
Catch up tests will be scheduled for individual students who are absent on test days up to and including Monday 24 March.
NAPLAN tests assess student knowledge and skills in writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. Over time, the NAPLAN tests provide parents, teachers and the school with a rich source of information on how students are progressing in literacy and numeracy as they advance through their schooling. Individual student results will be provided to parents and students later in the year.
Testing schedules appear as events on student Compass timetables. We ask that students arrive punctually with charged laptops and headphones as required.
College Open Night
On Thursday 13 March, the College will host parents and students of our community at an Open Night to introduce our school to them. The evening will commence with School Tours at 4.45pm. We look forward to this opportunity to showcase the varying dimensions of our College to prospective families of our community.
Due to the many students and staff involved in the set-up for Open Night, and additional preparations that need to be made, students will be dismissed at 2.30pm at the conclusion of period 5. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Attendance at this year’s Open Night will be by booking only. This arrangement may well impact the number of parents and prospective students who are able to attend. In recognition of this, we have organised several extra College Tours to be conducted for the remainder of Term 1. I would refer parents and students to the College website for further details of both events.
Karen Boyle
Parent Payments 2025
Parent payment arrangements for 2025 are now available to view and action in Compass.
We encourage all families to carefully read all the information provided and invite you to plan to make a financial contribution to the school for the 2025 year.
These payments support the objectives of the school, including the enhancement of student learning, access, equity, inclusion and wellbeing. The school ensures that costs to parents are kept to a minimum and are affordable for families.
We appreciate all the support that families provide to make East Doncaster Secondary College a school that is highly regarded for its commitment to excellence.