Classroom connection

What's happening in the classrooms?

What's happening in the grade 5/6 classes?

The students in Year 5/6B have started the year exceptionally well. They have accepted the class motto to "Set The Standard" in everything they do. Their work ethic and behaviour in class, coupled with the regular completion of homework, has resulted in improved academic results already.


So far this year, they have structured narratives and persuasive texts, learnt different reading comprehension strategies, mastered the four operations in Mathematics, and been exposed to societal stereotypes and the Australian political system in during their Inquiry lessons.


Congratulations to each child for their impressive start to the year.


En 6F et 6E, nous avons commencé à explorer la mythologie à travers des recherches approfondies, des lectures et des écoutes de podcasts. 


Nous travaillons sur deux projets : l’écriture d’une histoire et la création d’une présentation.


Pour l’écriture, nous rédigeons un texte narratif en utilisant les temps du passé mettant en scène les personnages de Persée et Andromède. Nous imaginons leurs aventures en respectant les caractéristiques des récits mythologiques.


Pour la présentation, chacun a choisi un thème lié à la mythologie et prépare un support qui détaille des informations clés : pouvoirs, famille, légendes, etc. Cette présentation peut prendre la forme d’un podcast,d’un PowerPoint ou d’un poster.


À la fin de chaque leçon, ceux qui le souhaitent peuvent partager leur travail devant la classe pour recevoir des retours constructifs. Ces échanges nous permettent d’enrichir nos connaissances et de découvrir des histoires fascinantes de la mythologie.


Les classes de 6E/6F


The Grade 5/6 students have fully embraced the structured spelling approach using the Orton-Gillingham method, and it's been wonderful to see their engagement each morning. This new learning style has sparked their curiosity and excitement. Through this approach, they’re not only enhancing their spelling skills but also gaining a deeper understanding of the complexities of language, which will greatly benefit them in reading and writing across the board. Keep up the fantastic work! 


Mr Borg teaching about the levels of government to our Grqade 5/6 cohort


Hear it from the students!

In 2025 I am EXTREMELY excited for camp. I don't know what camp we are going to yet but all I know is it will be AWESOME. Last year's camp was funny because I kept falling into mud. I had to go through about 10 sets of clothes. The last thing I'm hopeful for is the excursion and new senior playground they both are going to be so fun.

Rhythm G 5/6A


There is a lot of great things that I have to look out for this school year, and you should, too. From the time I'm writing this a new, WELL DESERVED Senior playground with a brand-new Design and a NINJA RUN COURSE! which is a great improvement to the school yard. Secondly... As one of two E-Sports Captains for 2025 I cant wait for the new changes to E-Sports Club with band new games to play that must remain a secret. The list could go on and on but that's all I'm going to get YOU exited for this year.

Neil W 5/6A


I am really excited for the Lightning Premiership, and also camp. I look forward to the 5/6 musical, The Little Prince. Lastly,  I loved how in the swimming carnival everyone was rallying and cheering for each other. 

Leila K-B 5/6A





Aire de jeu des grands  

Bientôt, les grands vont avoir une nouvelle aire de jeu qui s’appelle parcours Ninja. Cette structure est beaucoup plus grande que la précédente. Elle a l’air bien mieux que l'ancienne car elle a des cordes, un mur d’escalade, des anneaux, une rampe, des barres de gym…

Ines et Romy 5D


En cm2, nous avons pratiqué des poésies sur la préhistoire. Il y en avait trois. On devait en choisir une et l’apprendre par cœur sur une durée d'à peu près 3 semaines. Il y aura bientôt le concours de Berthe Mouchette où les élèves des années 3 à 6 apprennent une poésie différente pour essayer de gagner le concours !

Antoine et Zoe D 5D


The Swimming Carnival was on the 24th of January, and we had so much fun! We all competed in four different strokes: Freestyle, Backstroke, Breaststroke, and Butterfly. We also got to visit the water park, which was insanely fun. Additionally, we enjoyed time in the shallow water, where we played a game called Ping Pong Splash. In this game, you have to collect the most ping pong balls and place them in a basket for your house, which was really cool. The top swimmers then got to compete at the district level, where our school performed better than ever, coming in 3rd place.

Luca et Dakota 5D


At CJC in 5/6 sport in Term 1, we tried different sports such as basketball, softball, cricket and volleyball. After we chose one sport, we then practiced it. People were then split into teams.

Tomorrow we go to Lightning Premiership, where we play against other schools.

Zoe and Amos 5D


Loic and Julien with some of their sports creations