Sport News




The Auskick program at Bridgewater Primary School has gotten off to a fantastic start! 


Led by Maddy Pieper, the Participation Coordinator for AFL Central, students have been enjoying football drills, fun games, and developing their skills each Monday after school from 3.45pm - 4.45pm. 


A big Thank you to Mr. Stow who has been joining in and helping out.


Junior Fun Day/Cross Country


On Friday 21st March, the whole school along with our cluster sports schools will travel by bus to Malone Park in Marong for our annual Junior Fun Day for our junior Prep to grade 2 and cross country run for our grade 3 to 6's. We will leave school at 9:30am and return around 2pm. We are asking if any parents are available to help on the day to please see Matt, parents must have a valid WWCC to be able to help. 

Students will need to wear sports uniform, (white polo and running shoes). Students will also need to take lunch with them, (no lunch orders on this day), plenty of snacks and refillable drink bottle. Permission notes have been created on uEducateUs, please accept or decline for this event.