Junior Report 

Junior Report

Miss Deane - Junior Classroom Teacher


This week in InitiaLit, Miss Deane's group has been learning about consonants, along with the digraphs "sh," "ck," and "wh." Meanwhile, Mr. Stow's group has been exploring the letters "t" and "s."


In math, the P-2 students have been wrapping up their Patterns unit with a fun Hungry Caterpillar craft. They created caterpillars using different pattern cores, reinforcing their understanding of repeating sequences.


We also had a visitor this week, Emily, who came for outdoor classroom this week. She taught us about Sustainability and how we can make changes to to our live to be better for the environment.


Lastly, next fortnight students will be brining home a family tree template for parents/careers to help them fill in. This will be their final assessment on their Family History unit in Integrated Studies so keep an eye out for that :)