Principal's News

Dear Parents and Carers,

I imagine many took the opportunity to watch the spectacular opening to the Paris Olympics over the weekend and may be avidly following favourite sporting events and the Australian team in their green and gold.

This Friday, 2nd August, we will participate in ‘Green and Gold’ day. We are asking the children to wear a touch of green and/or gold in support of the Australian Olympic Team. The green of the Australian uniform represents the forests, eucalyptus trees and pastures of the Australian landscape while gold conjures images of Australia's beaches, grain harvests and more.

The children may also wear their sports uniforms and runners on Friday as they will participate in some ‘Green and Gold’ activities between recess and 1:00pm.



We continue to promote acceptable use of technology within the school as part of our Respect of ourselves and Respect of each other. Each year, in addition to this, we try to provide one online safety presentation from an outside expert in the field.  This year we have an upcoming event being offered at our school by Senior Constable Stephanie Ward of Colac Police.  All classes will meet Stephanie on Thursday August 15th.  The Think U Know presentation is designed to help children recognise unsafe online situations and is linked to the Australian Curriculum. Parents are invited to attend these sessions which will be held in our multipurpose room.  Times for each year level will be published in next week’s newsletter.



Our school, like all others in the Ballarat Diocese, undergoes a comprehensive review every five years.  This review comes around for us again next year in 2025. To help with this, teachers, some students and a random selection of parents will be asked to complete an online survey covering a range of topics. You may receive an invitation to participate this week and, if so, we encourage you to complete this survey so that we can then use the results to help us in the review process in 2025.


Now that we are in the winter term please be aware that there are some illnesses out in the community such as slap cheek and measles. If your child is unwell they may need to spend time at home recovering.


Jane (on behalf of all staff)