
Next week all our students from Foundation to Year 6 are lucky to have the opportunity to take part in a 1 hour BikeEd session run by AusBike. An information and permission note has been sent home with your child today, and we would be grateful if you could please return this by Monday 12th August.
On the link below is some further information from BikeEd that will help your child to be prepared for this session.
AusBike information Flyer
Iain Reed
Learning and Mathematics Leader
Book Week
Tuesday, August 20th – Friday, August 23rd
Just a reminder that Book Week is fast approaching.
In the last few newsletters there has been a lot of information about what is occuring during Book Week. Please see below for more details.
Children are welcome to join in as much as they would like to with competitions, but it would be wonderful if all children could have some type of costume for the Parade on Friday, August 23rd.
Bake a Book Competition - Friday, August 23rd
Bake/decorate a cake that connects to a character, scene or theme from one of your favourite books. This year you may like to use our Reading is Magic theme to get creative.
Here are some details you need to consider when entering the competition
- Design and decorate a cake YOURSELF (adults, can help with baking the cake or anything that requires adult supervision). Alternatively, you can purchase a base, the competition is about the decorations and link to books, not the taste of the cake.
- Drop off your cake in the hall at the start of the day and collect at the end of the day. The cakes will not be eaten at school.
- All creation is done at home
- You can enter the competition with friends or alone
- Have fun!
Arty Smarty Competition - Friday, August 23rd
Create a piece of art that connects to a character, scene or theme from one of your favourite books, or again…use our Reading is Magic theme
Here are some details you need to consider when entering the competition
- Design the art piece YOURSELF (adults can help with anything that requires adult supervision).
- Drop off your art in the hall at the start of the day and collect at the end of the day.
- All creation is done at home
- You can enter the competition with friends or alone
- Have fun!
St Bernard’s Has Talent - Friday, August 23rd
This exciting adventure will take place in class for anyone that would like to come and show off their special talents…singing, dancing, juggling, …bring it on! Make sure you have music or anything else you need to perform. Can’t wait to celebrate you.