From the Principal's Desk

Dear Parents,
Over the past 10 days the Olympics have dominated all forms of media and many conversations, as we awake each day to news of elation or disappointment. For some, late nights and early mornings have been spent watching as athletes of all ages from every corner of the globe, put their hopes, dreams, dedication and training to the test. We have also been privileged to hear the stories behind the medals, of difficult journeys, obstacles, grit and determination. Amidst the highs, we have seen lows. Both ends of this success spectrum provide ideal opportunities for our children to see and learn about dealing with adversity, about persistence, resilience and motivation.
A great time was had by all as our students participated in our annual Walkathon. The weather was perfect and thanks to the BPC Walkathon team, led by Renee Ladner, the event went without a hitch. Students and staff all walked block after block, calculating how much they may be raising to help us achieve our new basketball ring. The streets surrounding the school were filled with sportspeople, Olympians and crazy socked walkers and a fun time was had by all.
Thankyou to Renee for her organisation, to all the parents who were marshalls, to those who supported and cheered the walkers on and to the team who will now collect and count all money raised.
Thankyou to our teachers, amazing students and our sponsors.
- Go Climb
- Lollipops Playland, Preston
- El Parche - Harding St Coburg
- Lagom Gelateria - Brunswick
We ask that all money be collected and cash returned to school, or by direct debit as soon as possible, so that we can see how close we are to our target of $7,000 and therefore when we can order the ring and basketballs.
Assembly this Friday
The whole school assembly is this Friday 9th August at 3.00pm. The Year 1/2 classes are hosting.
Year 5 /6 Camp
Our Year 5/6 students are excitedly preparing for camp to be held next Monday 12th - Wednesday 14th August. They will be going to Phillip Island Adventure Resort for three days and two nights. The purpose of camp is to encourage independence, confidence, resilience, problem solving and collaboration, as well as creating lifelong memories.
We are very lucky to have staff who are willing to give of their own time to ensure that the camp program is able to run.
All forms must be returned as soon as possible (forms attached below).
Payment in full, must be made by today, Wednesday 7th August.
PL Day - Monday 19th August
A reminder Monday 19th August is a PL day for all staff to complete Level 2 First Aid training. There is no school for students on this day. OSHC is available on this day, bookings are essential.
St Bernard’s Day
On Tuesday 20th August we celebrate our patron saint, St Bernard’s Feast Day. More information to follow but we will hold a paraliturgy in the hall at 2:45pm on that day and invite families to attend. A permission note has been sent home today about the St Bernard's Day lunch please return by Monday 12th August for catering purposes.
'Something to Think About'
This week Cyber safety expert Susan McLean discusses fact vs fiction in an onlineworld.