A Word from the Principal 

Ms Kylie Campbell

A warm welcome to our community

Welcome back to term three!  That break certainly went too quickly so I hope you have all enjoyed having your children home for the holidays.  This is our first newsletter for the term. 


Lady Northcote Whole School Camp

Well, one word……AMAZING!!!!!! 


Having the whole school together at camp was a dream come true.  Students, staff and incredible parents, have made this learning experience absolutely sensational.  Watching everyone, take on new tasks, skills and experiences while being supported by their fellow students, friends, buddies and mentors was absolutely incredible. 


Our students persisted in trying new experiences and genuinely cared for each other while cheering and celebrating attempts and successes.  I hope you have enjoyed hearing about camp back at home.  I’m sure there will be a few stories shared around the dinner table!


This camp is undoubtedly one of the highlights of my career and I thank everyone for being a part of the whole school camp.  What other school could ever pull this off?  With strong connections, bonds and relationships, a whole school camp was always going to be successful for the Weeden Heights PS students and community.  The camping program is an essential learning experience for every student and it was an honour to watch everyone shine, lead and be challenged.  There are so many students who really worked hard to’ bounce back’ and overcome their challenges.  Well done to you all!  I would also like to say a very special thank you to our valued parents who took time out of their schedules to work with the staff at camp and make a difference to so many. 


As always, a big thank you to my staff and to the incredible students who make up …..the best school ever!!!


NAPLAN results

Parents of students in years 3 and 5  have now received their child’s NAPLAN results.  These were sent home last week and Weeden Heights once again has done incredibly well.  We really are an extremely high performing school with incredible results that see us outperform network schools and schools that have a similar profile to us. 


Please remember that:

NAPLAN measures student achievement in numeracy, reading, writing, spelling, and grammar and punctuation but the results will now be presented in four proficiency levels. These are: exceeding, strong, developing and needs additional support. 


Students’ NAPLAN reports show how they are tracking against their peers and provide an indication of their skill levels against national averages and where we would expect them to be in order to get the most out of schooling. 

Please speak to your child’s classroom teacher if you have any questions about the results. 


Student Led Conferences


Student Led conferences will occur in week four this term (from 5 August).  The conferences are an excellent opportunity for your child to take responsibility for their learning and discuss the evidence that they have produced to support the teacher’s judgements in the school reports. 


You will have the opportunity to have the conference either in person or online in the Google Classroom.  Students will share their online portfolios through the Google Classroom and will be supported to highlight their learning through their exemplars.  


The main focus of the conference is for students to share work samples that they feel proud of and they will discuss with you, the learning that takes place in relation to their individual learning goals. Please ensure that you book in for a meeting via COMPASS as students will be extremely disappointed if they do not have opportunity to talk through their portfolio with their parents and help develop future learning goals.  The students have put in a lot of work into their portfolios! 


State School Spectacular - Saturday 14 September

This year Ms Phillips and the school choir will be performing at the Victorian State School’s Spectacular.  The event is extremely exciting and the performance will be amazing.  Just reminding you that tickets for the performances went on sale this week.  Please come along if you want to see incredible performances by students and support our choir.  It will also be played on Channel 7 later on in the year (but the live show is so much more than the TV show!).


Tickets are available at : www.ticketek.com.au/spectacular


2025 Enrolments

I would like to remind families with children who will be beginning school in 2025 that we are still able to take enrolments but the deadline is fast approaching for students to be enrolled in schools.    Enrolment forms are submitted online  and if you need assistance with this then Cindy is able to support you through the process. 


The Bright Beginnings transition program is about to begin towards the end of this term so you do not want to miss out.  If you have neighbours that have not yet enrolled, then please encourage them to visit the school or website for an enrolment form. 



Until next time……


Kylie Campbell

Super Proud Principal