A Message from the Principal

Mrs Carolyn Parsell

Dear Parents and Carers,


The weeks of Advent each have a theme. This guides us on the journey towards Bethlehem and the birth of Christ. In week one the theme is HOPE and in week two the theme is PEACE. With all the events happening in the world today, hope and peace are more important than ever. To learn more about the season of Advent you can visit Hallow.com/advent


"May we be in this world a ray of that light which shone forth from Bethlehem, bringing joy and peace to the hearts of all men and women." - Pope Francis

No candy canes or chocolates!

Please make sure that if your children want to distribute cards to friends that no lollies, candy canes or chocolates are in the envelopes. We ask everyone to avoid overloading children with sweets as we encourage the children to only eat what their parents send with them or provide.

Christmas Concert Monday

We are looking forward to seeing everyone at the church on Monday to celebrate Christmas! Musician David Enever will lead the singing and the students are looking forward to presenting the songs they have been practising. Please ensure students are on the playground at 5:15pm on Monday afternoon. The Concert will commence at 5:30pm. Students are to wear a christmas t-shirt with shorts and can accessorise with santa hats or christmas themed headbands. Details are on the Religious Education News page.

Farewell and Thank-you

Today we had the opportunity to properly farewell and thank Mrs Attilia Kazacos. Mrs Kazacos has been doing some work at other schools and has officially resigned from St Martha's. Mrs Cindy Ronzini has been appointed to the substantive role of Religious Education Coordinator at St Martha's. We thank Mrs Kazacos for her wonderful contribution to St Martha's and thank Mrs Ronzini for her work in the acting role. We congratulate Mrs Ronzini on her appointment.


Peace and best wishes,

Carolyn Parsell