Around the Classrooms

Year 1/2A

The 1/2A class has made a great start to Term 3. 

In Writing, we have focused on the elements of a great narrative, including interesting characters, a descriptive setting, and an exciting problem. Students have had a go at writing their narratives and are eager to write more. 

In Maths, we have been developing our subtraction skills and focusing on counting down to, counting back, and counting up as efficient strategies to solve problems. Seeing the students become more confident with subtraction over the unit has been great. 

Over the next few weeks in Inquiry, we will look at important local community places. Students have loved sharing their special places within the community and why they are important. 

This week in Religion, we have focused on the story of the Prodigal Son. The values in this gospel story align with our unit on compassion and forgiveness. 



Mrs Natalie Arhontis - Year 3/4A teacher


Year 5/6 Swimming Program


Term 3 Week 3

Times Monday July 29Tuesday July 30Wednesday July 31Thursday August 1 


Term 3 Week 4

Times Monday Aug 5Tuesday August 6Wednesday August 7Thursday August 8