The Sound of Music 

The Sound of Music - Tuesday 13th - Friday 16th August

We are very excited to announce that tickets for this year’s Musical Production are now on sale, via our website.  

We are in the final stages of rehearsal, with students now performing with our orchestra in the theatre before our upcoming Technical Rehearsal on Friday, 9th August (not a student free day for students involved!) and our full dress rehearsal on Monday, 12th August. (See Compass events) 


Thanks to Lucinda Buckle for our sneak peek: 

“The Sound of Music” Important  Reminders 

Evening Performance Dates (Week 5 of Term 3) 

  • Tuesday 13/8 (Cast 1) & Thursday 115/8 (Cast 1) 
  • Wednesday 14/8(Cast 2) & Friday 16/8 (Cast 2) 
  • NB: Chorus, Crew and Orchestra are required all 4 evenings. 
  • Venue: MGC Theatre, 7.30PM. 

Bump In: Week 4  


This is when all the equipment arrives! (Monday- costumes and set from Stage School; Wednesday- Sound and lights from Your Show) 


  • Technical rehearsal: Friday 9th August (Curriculum Day) ALL DAY (see Event on Compass) ALL REQUIRED 

We get to run through with our sets, props, live orchestra, lights and sound.  


  • Full Dress Rehearsal: Monday 12th August, ALL DAY (see Event on Compass) ALL REQUIRED 

Please put these dates in your diaries and calendars/on the fridge! 

Production: Week 5 


Supervision is available after school for all MDS. (No permission to leave the school grounds) 

5pmIf at MGC-Dinner Break (BYO dinner- access to microwaves and boiling water) and get ready. (No nuts please) 
5.30pmCall for leads- have wigs and makeup completed in preparation for sound check. 
6pmCompulsory preshow meeting @ in the Auditorium for everybody
6.30pmSound check of radio mics. Everyone else go to your dressing room and sign in with your staff supervisor and finish getting ready.
7.15pmDoors open
7.30pmShow starts!
8.40pm (approx.)Interval
10pm (approx.)Show ends (final night will be a little later due to presentations.) 

Please note

  • Please make sure you have a lift home- organize a carpool. Please don’t travel alone. 
  • We no longer have permission to sleep in on the mornings after the production for Period 1. Parents will have to give permission on Compass if required. 
  • Tickets are on sale via our MGC website. Please ensure you have already organized what nights your family and friends are able to attend. Students will be provided with a complimentary souvenir program. 


My daughter: NAME & FORM (please print) 



will need supervision after school on the following days (please circle) 


Tuesday 13/8 Wednesday                               14/8 Thursday 15/8                              Friday 16/8 



Please return this section to the Performing Arts Staffroom. 



We look forward to seeing you at the show! 

Anne Corry 

Musical Producer and Co-Director.