Important Reminders For The Production

Production Date and Time
Our 2024 whole-school production, Mr Blue Sky, is on Thursday 29th August at the Rowville Performing Arts Centre. This is located at Rowville Secondary College's Eastern Campus, Humphreys Way, Rowville.
- Students must be at the venue at 5.45pm and must be signed in on arrival.
- The show starts at 6.30pm, with an approximate finish time of 8.00pm.
Production Tickets Available Now
Families can book tickets online using this link:
All tickets (adults, concession and children) are $20 each. Toddlers/babies under 3-years-old are free if sitting on a parent's knee.
Note: Scoresby PS students do not need a seating ticket as they will remain backstage throughout the show when their grade is not performing.
Tickets must be purchased online before the night of the production; there WILL NOT be tickets available to purchase on the night.
If students have not already brought their base costume items to school (as listed in the letter sent home earlier in the term) they MUST be brought in now. Items should be in a named bag.
Some grades may have additional costume items provided by the school; these will be kept at school and distributed, and collected, at the theatre.
Performing Arts Teacher