Administration Updates

Payments And Permissions Now Due
School Production Rehearsal Day (29th August 2024)
All students
Due: 27/8/24
ACMI – A Wonderful Adventure Excursion (2nd September 2024)
All Year 3/4 students
Due: 28/8/24
Year 5/6 Summer Sport (3rd and 11th September 2024)
All Year 5/6 students
Due: 2/9/24
Camp Oasis (21st October - 23 October 2024)
All Year 3/4 students
Due: 4/10/24 - Balance of payment
2024 School Levies
All families
NOW OVERDUE (Due: 23/02/24 unless payment plan put in place with office)
Parent Payments
The School Levies payment enables us to continue to offer programs across the school to enhance the learning of all students. It also covers all the students' stationery, Art, Performing Arts and LOTE supplies for the year, as well as enabling us to be able to provide and upkeep our iPads and laptops across the school.
Parent payments are posted on Compass and can be paid through the Compass portal or, alternatively, through the school bank account, BPAY or by coming into the office and paying via cash or EFT. If you are having financial difficulties in making this payment, please speak to Sue Hartley or Tina Clark in the office.
Just a reminder...if you are planning a family holiday, please advise the school or your child's teacher in writing prior to departing on your holiday. You will also need to update this on the Compass program.
Picking Up Children Early
If you need to collect your child early for an appointment, please come to the office to sign them out. Due to relevant school policies, we are unable to have students waiting in the office, so please allow time for us to call them up to the office after you have arrived.
We strongly recommend that students leave valuable or sentimental personal items at home, including sporting equipment. The school provides sports equipment for students to use at lunchtime, including footballs and basketballs. It can be distressing for students when they bring their own, good sporting equipment to school and it is misplaced or lost in the school grounds.
Any money for school activities is to be handed in to the teacher at the start of the day.
Please also ensure jackets, jumpers, coats, drink bottles and lunch boxes are clearly marked with the student's name. That way, if found, it can be returned to the student. All unnamed uniform is placed in Lost Property (in the corridor of the main building outside the Science Room). If not collected, it will be washed and put into our Second-hand Uniform Shop. Drink bottles and lunch boxes will be thrown away if not collected from Lost Property.
Administration Staff