From Our School Leaders

All High-Flyers Need Support To Grow
As the Olympic Games close and the Paralympics begin, we can take a moment in between the two events to sit back and think about success.
This 2024 Australian Olympic Team are the most successful team we have ever sent to an Olympic Games. We collected 18 gold, 19 silver and 16 bronze medals at the 2024 Paris Olympics. That’s 53 medals overall. The joy of watching people swim, run, jump, throw, ride, paddle and climb to achieve their best has been nothing short of awe inspiring. The athletes' reactions to their own successes tell the story of the commitment and effort they have made to be triumphant. They have done us proud in every sense.
Looking to the next Olympics in Los Angeles, and then onto the 2032 Olympics in Brisbane, the next generation of athletes are in our schools right now.
To be successful in life, you need to have people around you who believe in you, support and encourage you. As parents and teachers, we have a role to play in letting children know we support them in reaching for the best possible outcome in whatever field they choose to pursue. If children know that someone else believes they can achieve their goals, the chances of them making it all the way are massively improved. Aiming high is paramount to success, but all high-flyers need a good support crew.
Not all students are destined for Olympic competition, but they can strive high and aim to achieve their goals be they sporting, academic or artistic ones. We encourage all our students to work hard, apply effort, focus and pursue their talents at school and outside of school.
We need to heed the message of the Olympics and embrace the feelings of success, and nurture the talent that we have before us. Sometimes all our young people need is support and someone to believe in them. Who knows, we may have the next break-dancers, weightlifters or BMX riders in our midst.
Bullying - NO WAY! National Week of Action
All week across our school, our students have been talking about bullying - what it is, how it makes us feel, and showing respect to all people. In all classes this week our students are participating in activities and taking part in class discussions about speaking up and not tolerating unkindness to others.
On Friday we are encouraging everyone to wear a POP OF PURPLE to show support for not tolerating bullying in our community.
100 Days Of School
Congratulations to our Foundation students who celebrated 100 Days of School and learning last week. We are so proud of the way that our Preps approach their learning and the growth they show every day! You are all superstars! We were also pleased to see the Year 1/2 students join in on this milestone celebration. It’s a great way to bring Maths to life.
Welcome To Our Newest Wellbeing Members Of Staff
Welcome to Kathryn Skinner
Scoresby Primary School and Loft Psychology are now offering students who attend Scoresby Primary the opportunity to receive counselling by a psychologist under a bulk billing arrangement. Loft Psychology is currently based at Scoresby Primary School on Tuesdays, operating within school hours during the school term.
To accept this service, families are required to obtain a GP referral for their child and advise the school when this has been completed. The school will forward the parent/carer’s details to Loft Psychology who will be in contact to discuss the process, obtain background information, and coordinate the first session.
Welcome to our new Chaplain, Vicky
This term, Vicky will be replacing Sherdian on a Tuesday as our School Chaplain.
Hi, my name Is Vicky. I recently joined Scoresby Primary School in a Chaplain role. Sheridan and I are now job-sharing, with Sheridan continuing to work Fridays and I will be working Tuesdays.
I look forward to meeting you all in due course, and will make myself available outside during school pick-up time. Please come over and say hello; I am more than happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have whilst you get to know me and I get to know the school community. If you are not available at this time of day, please speak to the office so a time can be arranged to have a chat.
A Few Reminders
PFA are having a Market Day on Saturday 26th October
If you would like to book a stall, please see the details in the PFA section of this newsletter.
The Parent Opinion Survey is now open for parents to complete. This data gives schools constructive feedback. We would like to get as many parents completing the survey as possible. Last year we only had 4 parents take part.
Dogs At School
We would like to remind our community that pet dogs are not permitted on Scoresby PS school grounds under any circumstances. Please see our website for our Dogs At School Policy.
Scoresby Primary School Leaders