School Council update

Our last School Councul meeting was held on Wednesday the 31st of July.
Barry Van Weeghel has relinquished his position as a staff member on School Council. We thank Barry for his dedication and hard work whilst a member of School Council.
Veronica Wuthrich has been welcomed as the new staff member on Council.
We have received good reviews from students after two weeks with Bourkies Bakehouse as MPS’ new canteen provider.
With regards to providing power to the Eco Shed at Middle Gully, Mark Bichan has created an action plan and will be establishing an integrated project management team including members of the school community.
The PFA will hold their AGM / next meeting on Friday 16th August in the JCB, whereby Office Bearers will be elected. All welcome to attend.
The next working bee will be held late term 3 or early term 4 – watch this space!
The next Finance & School Council meetings will be held on Wednesday September 4th September, commencing at 6:15pm and 7:00pm respectively – all welcome to attend.