Visual Art News

Year 11 Art Exhibition 

Our Year 11 Art students have been busy this semester exploring a range of themes such as dreams, fantasy, nature, portraiture and mental health. 


As part of their Unit 2 coursework, students undertook an art process to research and develop ideas based on their own thematic choice and artform. Students developed idea drawings from initial artist research and mind mapping. A strong focus of this folio work was to develop ideas, meaning and messages and connect these back to a chosen theme.


Further exploration was undertaken through a variety of materials and techniques within drawing, painting, printmaking, photography, collage and sculpture. Students were able to build upon the skills they had learnt in Unit 1 and potentially explore a combination of new materials, techniques and processes.


These artworks were on display in a small exhibition in the  Library from Friday 25 October to Friday 1 November. Please enjoy viewing a selection of student works in the following slideshow as a celebration of our talented emerging young artists at EDSC.

Stephanie Wheeler

Visual Arts Teacher