Library News

Final 2024 EDSC Reading Challenge update
Well done to the 150 students who made the 2024 EDSC Reading Challenge Pizza Party a great event on Tuesday 22 October.
Congratulations to the final prize winners in the 2024 EDSC Reading Challenge for their outstanding efforts. They are:
- Librarians Choice for Effort EAL – Mehrsa11O
- Librarians Choice for Effort Middle School – Edmunda 8C
- Librarians Choice for Effort Senior School – Ashton 12C
We announced EDSC’s impressive final reading statistics at the Reading Challenge Pizza Party.
- Overall, EDSC students read 4,840 books!
- 365 students participated in the Reading Challenge
- 157 students finished the Reading Challenge by completing 15 or more books
- The class that read the most books in the school was 7C. They read an incredible 785 books!
Students in Year 8 to 12 can collect their Reading Challenge certificates from the library loans desk. Year 7 certificates will be given out during library classes.
Thank you to all staff and students who helped make the Reading Challenge and the Pizza Party brilliant this year. We’re looking forward to another fantastic Reading Challenge in 2025!
All EDSC Library Books Due In November
It’s that time of year again! Students need to begin returning their EDSC library books to the library this month.
Year 10, 11, and 12 students’ library books are due back this Wednesday 6 November.
Year 7, 8, and 9 students’ library books are due back on Monday 25 November.
Returning books on time allows EDSC library staff to commence stocktake and prepare the library for 2025, and also avoids families being sent lost book notices on Compass.
Print books will resume being loaned in 2025. Students can continue to borrow EDSC eBooks and audiobooks from the Sora app anytime throughout the summer holidays.
Kathryn Williams
Teacher Librarian