Principal's Report

To our Class of 2024 – Farewell and Best Wishes
Last Thursday evening we celebrated the graduating class of 2024 with a Valedictory Dinner for families at The Grand Reception in Wantirna. It was wonderful to see so many of our families in attendance and proudly supporting their children as they celebrated this significant milestone in their lives. It also fills me with pride to see the event so visibly supported by our teachers. The commitment of our teachers to their students and the bonds they form, which is something that is so clearly evident on nights like this, says something pretty special about our College community.
I was honoured to deliver an opening address on the evening where I was able to share with our senior students our collective pride in their achievements, their growth as young adults and reflect on their time at the College. They have come a long way from the wide-eyed and nervous Year 7s that joined us back in 2019.
As a group, their bonds with one another have strengthened and they’ve shown an incredible ability to support and encourage one another. I know that they will continue to do so as they approach each of their exams and hopefully into their futures.
I will also highlight how rewarding it has been to see so many of our Year 12 cohort give back to our College.
I would particularly like to recognise the role of our 2024 College Captains Mia and Shaun, Vice Captains Vrinda and Abishek, International Captains Casper and Angel, International Vice Captains Richard, Chloe and Freya. These students have done a wonderful job and left a clear imprint on the daily life of our College this year. There are of course too many student leaders in this cohort to mention all by name but I do thank all our student leaders this year who have made a conscious effort to focus on service to others despite what is always a busy year.
In this, our College’s 50th year, we have been reflecting upon the many students who have graduated from our College and are now paving their own way in life; embracing the opportunities that being a student at EDSC has afforded them. My sincere hope is that our class of 2024 also embrace the future with enthusiasm; with trust in their abilities and in the lessons they have learned in their time with us. The paths they take in life will be varied but all will bring promise and potential.
On Tuesday of this week, our Year 12 students began their final examination program with their English and EAL exams. I wish our students all the very best as they complete each of their final exams.
Finally, we will conduct our Final Assembly for all Year 12 students and parents who are able to attend on the day, on Friday 22 November, upon the completion of the VCE period. Full details will be posted for this event on Compass shortly.
World Teachers’ Day
While this is traditionally celebrated across the world on the first Friday of October, as this coincides with school holidays, in Australia we celebrated on Friday 25 October.
World Teachers' Day is an opportunity to say thank you to the teachers who continue to make a difference today – and everyday – to children and young people’s lives. I am very proud of our teachers at East Doncaster Secondary College who strive to do this every day.
I would like to share a message from our Middle School Captains who recognised the work and support of our wonderful teachers last Friday:
Dear Teachers of EDSC,
Happy World Teachers Day!
The 25th of October is no regular day, rather a time to acknowledge and celebrate the commitment and hard work that you wonderful teachers dedicate to your students. There is no better gift to impart on bright minds than belief in our abilities, and perseverance to ignite our potential. With each and every lesson that you teach, a new lightbulb is lit up in our mind, a sense of understanding and achievement unlocked, and an overwhelming feeling of care for our future, not possible from anyone other than a teacher, is felt.
We don’t see half of the gruelling work that goes into preparing lesson plans and marking student work, nor the sacrifices you make in your personal life to spend additional time covering missed or not fully understood content for your students. Not to mention the hours you spend talking to parents at student-parent-teacher conferences, or the after school professional development sessions, or the summer weekends you could be spending outside but are instead using to help further our learning. Yet, we are so incredibly grateful.
As the Japanese proverb states, “Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher.” In essence, we could not do what we do without you. Students make up most of the population at EDSC, but ultimately, it is the teachers that allow us to call ourselves students in the first place. Take the time today, and every day, to look after yourself. We need you! Thank you, teachers, for doing your job so well. We are very lucky.
The Students of EDSC.
Dance Club and Performing Arts Showcase
Last night our Year 9 and 10 Performing Arts students, and joined by students from our Dance Club, presented a showcase of their work for the semester.
It was wonderful to see so many student talents on display. In addition to the acting, singing, dancing and even magic of our performers, it was also wonderful to acknowledge the script writing, stage direction, backstage and technical support that our students are embracing the opportunity to become involved in.
Congratulations to Brendan Gan and Evan Jones who have been teaching our students this semester, nurturing them as they develop new skills and build their confidence in the performing arts.
Planning and preparation for 2025
This is a quick reminder to the Parents/Guardians of students who will no longer be attending East Doncaster Secondary College in 2025.
If you have not already done so, can you please contact the school to inform us that your child will not be attending next year. This information can be communicated to the staff members in our General Office or the Year Level Coordinators.
This information is vital for our coordination teams in order to plan and prepare classes and programs for next year.
College Arrangements for Monday 4 November
A reminder to students and parents that the College will be conducting our allocated Professional Practice Day on Monday 4 November. Students will therefore not be required to attend school on this day. Year 12 VCE examinations scheduled to be conducted at our College on this day will proceed as planned.
Karen Boyle