From the Principal Leader

Dear staff, students, parents and friends of Chisholm,
Thank you to the entire community for an outstanding Term 3 ! We have enjoyed an incredible term of learning & sporting achievements, house initiatives and excursions that have lifted this community. Our Year 12 Graduation ceremonies have been outstanding in 2024 and we were delighted that our whole school community has been able to join many of the festivities celebrating our very special year group. In 2024 the Year 12 graduates were able to enjoy the Farewell Liturgy and guard of honour with the entire college community. Prior to this, they were able to join with their teachers for their Graduating Breakfast with the entire staff also participating. As well as this, they were able to enjoy a special HSC BBQ along with their treasured teachers.
We gathered together as a community for the Year 12 Graduation Mass and Awards ceremony where families could be involved in the ceremony recognising the importance of parents as the first and primary educators of your daughters. I hope that Year 12 students were able to relax and recharge their batteries in preparation for their HSC exams commencing 15th October. As a college community we wish Year 12 2024 all the very best for their HSC exams. We are very proud of you all and hope that you will be able to achieve your potential with so much support around you. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all!
We have started Term 4 with two Professional Learning days for our teaching staff who are very busy designing new programs of learning based on the new syllabus implementation over the next few years. The staff benefited greatly from this additional time ensuring that teaching programs and assessment are well aligned to the new curriculum.
We celebrated our final event of the 50th Anniversary year last weekend with a cocktail party at the Pullman Hotel for current and ex-staff, as well as students as our beloved Alumnae. Thank you to the college Leadership Team, along with Mathew Beatty and Julie Wiffen who helped make this event spectacular. Please view our social media pages for the wonderful photos taken during the event that truly display the excitement and joy that was shared in the evening. I would like to express my personal appreciation to all current staff who were able to attend showing their strong commitment to the college.
Our new Year 12 students (2025) are attending the Retreat Program this week at the St Benedict XVI Retreat Centre at Grose Wold. The girls were very excited as they left this morning as they commenced a program of spiritual reflection and personal growth as a year group led by Mrs Jeanette Cocks our Leader of Faith and Mission, in collaboration with Year 12 teaching staff and homeroom teachers. We hope the girls find the opportunity to reflect, recharge and reconnect with their peers, teachers and their God in this time away from school. Our blessings are with you all at this time of spiritual nourishment and time of flourishing.
May God bless you and keep you safe in the palm of his hand
Mrs Tania Cairns
Principal Leader