Principal's News

Journeying Together in Christ 

We welcomed our 2025 Foundation students this morning for a two-hour visit. After parents said goodbye they joined myself and Jen McKillop for a cuppa and some information. From observation it looked like it all went smoothly with only a few little tears


This week 1/2Finn presented me with some persuasive writing.  Firstly, I was impressed with the quality of their writing. Fluency and punctuation is developing well! With an unlimited budget I think I could entertain some of their very persuasive ideas. Some ideas included: A farm with animals, waterfall, gym, waterpark, rock climbing wall, candy factory, canteen & cooking, tennis courts, and more sporting fields. While some ideas may not be for our school at this time, maybe modified options and use of Emmaus Campus NDC may be a future option for visiting animals for example. I was very impressed with their closing statement especially when I read sentences like this:

"In conclusion, I'm sure a man as intelligent as you can see we need a waterfall at St Luke's".

"In conclusion, a man as bright as you will organise a farm".

How can I ignore this!


23 days of school left in 2024

I know, when you see the number 23, the end of the year is near. We have a number of events coming up. Some involve students, family and/or staff. These include:

Family BBQ tonight (Friday 15th), Final Advisory Council meeting, Year 5/6 cricket, Foundation transition, Italian day, Semester Reports, Transition to Microsoft365, Bunnings BBQ, Funfields Year 6, Orientation Session Years 1-6, school disco, end of year mass.


School Improvement Plans

All schools have these plans and we spent time working through this with the anticipation that MAGNIFY will be a guide for future plans.

We will review our Improvement Plan and align it  with CESL initiatives.

Key Initiatives

  1. Catholic Formation and Mission
  2. The Neuroscience of Learning 
  3. Leading Improved Literacy Outcomes
  4. Embedding Low Variance, Knowledge-rich Curriculum
  5. Assuring Positive Learning Environments
  6. Instructional Coaching

One other goal will be developed by individual schools.

Transition to Microsoft365

This will take place at the end of November in preparation for 2025. We currently use Google docs etc and Apple devices. Students will move to a new device in year 3-6, and staff at the end of next year. Due to timings of lease agreements for staff devices we cannot end the the agreement for another 12 months. This is a system wide approach and many schools have performed the transition. 


Class Structure 2025

In the previous newsletter I communicated that we will be straight grades from Years 1-6 in 2025.

At the moment based on current numbers we will have:

Foundation- 3 classes

Year 1- 2 classes

Year 2- 2 classes

Year 3- 2 classes

Year 4- 2 classes

Year 5- 2 classes

Year 6- 1 class

There will be more information communicated before the end of the year.



We have advertised for a full-time teacher for 2025 to replace Mr Sait. Hopefully, by the time we publish the week 9 newsletter staffing will be close to finalised. 


2025- MAGNIFY Sandhurst

every student

every teacher

every school

every day

We have approximately 15 staff members involved in Literacy Professional Development over the coming weeks. They will join staff across all our Diocesan schools for the two day PD. Please refer to the letter I sent via email on Wednesday 11th September for information regarding 'Magnify'. 

Next Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd I will be at an extended Principal Briefing. Day 1 is all about Knowledge Society (Behaviour Curriculum). Day 2 (OCHRE)- program and planning for Literacy and Numeracy. Chris Summers will join me on Thursday and Jen McKillop on Friday. This is another exciting chapter in our Sandhurst system approach, MAGNIFY. 


Landscaping Work

This is nearly complete. By the beginning of the 2025 school year this will be open and ready.


Calendar and start of 2025

Please keep an eye on the newsletter calendar page. I have added some more dates for 2025.



David Keenan
